Chapter 11 Wells

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The rain stopped, and the sun was out. The bright rays shined down on Wells and Alyson walking along a large trail.

"We're almost at the Dropship." Wells said, seeing in the distance up a mountain side, the frail top half of the ship.

"Good.." Alyson replied, stretching over a mound of leaves. "Once we get back we'll heal Alexandra, and alert the others..They need to know that there are others on this planet...And we need to find a way to contact the Ark, we need someone who is good with technology."

"Monty was good with technology..." A voice said behind them. Wells twisted his neck around to see a sad sapped Jasper, dragging his feet.

"Alright good, where is Monty?" Alyson replied, her brows rising peculiarly.

"D-Dead.." Jasper replied, covering his face.

"Oh..." Alyson replied, turning back around. "I swear that kid is so depressing...all he does is sit around and cry.." Alyson whispered to Wells. Wells shrugged.

"He lost his friend, of course he is going to cry...I cried like an infant when I lost my Mother a few years ago, the most tragic day in my life..." Wells sighed, thinking back to that dreadful day. The call from his Father telling him the horrid news, the funeral which felt as if it took place yesterday, Wells couldn't clear his mind from that day.

"Hey, so you never really told me and the other two, why your out here?" Alyson asked, her round eyes staring at Wells intensely. Wells froze up. He was suppose to find Aloe Vera for Dane. What could he do now, he was on his way back empty handed. All the trauma over the past few days jumbled up his thoughts, his mind was fried.

"I was suppose to find a medicinal plant for a kid named Dane, the kid came staggering into the camp with a bullet hole in his right side..How awful that was. And the worst part was his friend, Olivia, had to watch..she had to witness the healing, there was too much gore...luckily the bullet went straight through, if it was stuck in his body, we'd probably have to perform surgery on the kid.."

"Dane?" Alyson asked, wide eyed and frantic. "Blonde hair, and short?"

"'d you know?"

"He was with Bellamy and I's group, when we went out to search for the supply boxes...he got separated, and we never heard from him again...Do you think the Grounders shot him!?" Alyson asked worriedly. Wells shrugged, so much was occurring that he had no clue what was going on. All he hoped was that Clarke was alright. He hasn't seen her for an exact twelve days. Wells was eager to ask Alyson how Clarke was, but he didn't feel it was the right time. Up a narrow hill, was the Dropship. The roof had gigantic holes implanted on each side, with streaks of dark ash streaming down the sides. The metal looked rusted from the rain, and The Dropship gave off an appearance as if it was on Earth since last century. Four teens poked their heads up from the hills ridge, staring down at Wells and Alyson, followed by Eugene, Jasper, and a staggering Alexandra.

"Their back!" A brunette girl yelped, staring back at her lackeys. Wells and Alyson began a trek up the hill.

"By the way, I have some medicine I brought back from the bunker, I have a container with some kind of wet plant in it labeled 'Aloe Vera,' that's the stuff you need, right?" Alyson asked, walking past a huge bush, which looked like a furry green ball. Wells eyes glinted happily.

"Yes! I need that for Dane, I'll appreciate it, Alyson." Wells smiled.

"No problem man." She smiled back, hiking up the final plot of steepness. The hundred teenagers were exactly where Wells saw them. Half outside The Dropship, frolicking around, while others lurked in the inner sections of the raggedy Dropship.

"Wells!" Olivia yelped, running from the crowds of anonymous individuals. "D-Did you get it!? Dane is much worse, his fever has went up, his heads warmer." Olivia looked awful. Her blonde hair was all curly moist from the air, her eyes were crusty, and half closed, as if she hadn't sleep in over a week, and finally, her stomach was shriveled and clung to her waist, setting off an appearance that she hasn't eaten in awhile.

"Yeah, we have the Aloe Vera, where is Dane?" Wells asked peculiarly. They needed to handle Dane first before telling everyone the news.

"In the Dropship, with Linq." Olivia replied, her eyes darting behind Wells. "W-Who the hell is that!?" She asked, pointing. Wells turned around, seeing Eugene, looking very shady and obscure. Wells rolled his eyes, patting Olivia's shoulders.

"He's a friend, now come on, we have to save your friend." Wells reminded her, guiding her eyes away from Eugene, and onto the Dropship.

"Here." Alyson said, reaching into her pocket, and pulling out a tiny container, handing it to a nervous Wells. "Good luck."

"Thanks..I'm going to need it." Wells sighed, clutching the container, and beginning a pace towards the Dropship. A sudden breeze past, making Wells shiver, thinking about the eerie rain that erupted from earlier, and the thoughts of those other bystanders who lurk the planet. Then his thoughts soon rolled over to how the hell is he going to heal Dane. He barely knows anything about medicine, other then where to put it, but he knows he is not going to fail this kid, he knows Dane is going to be okay, he knows Olivia will be happy by the end of the day. Because Clarke is alive, and her thriving, gives Wells the inspiration he needs that gets him through it all. This is all thanks to his ex best friend, Clarke.

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