Chapter 5 Octavia

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The stars shined bright in the sky, twinkling brightly, while Octavia lay back against the half Dropship. The thoughts of what happened earlier, rewound over and over in her mind, making her groan and babble on, making her hug her knees and lay back, frightened.

"I'm back." A voice said. Octavia shifted her head to see Finn emerging from the woods. "No luck hunting...I guess we'll have to eat the disgusting food from down in the bunker for a few days." He said, scratching the back of his neck, and shaking his hair from the left to the right.

"Ah...well, its fine. I can deal with that stuff...The only thing I don't like is that it sticks to my teeth.." She muttered, holding herself tighter as she soon returned her attention to Finn. "Come, sit." She patted at the empty spot aside her, and returned her arm to her knees. Finns shrugged, plopping right down beside her. The trees in the distance had a luminescent glow to them, much like the first night on Earth, only not as bright.

"Beautiful sin't it?" Finn asked, motioning towards the twinkling stars, glued to the dark sky, enlightening the dark patches of Earth.

"Yes, its quite enchanting." Octavia giggled, nuzzling her arm, and smiling widely. "I just wish we didn't have to worry about all the things in life, and just focus on this...the little things."

"The little things are indeed the best things." Finn replied, agreeing with her.

"I just can't anymore...everything is so overwhelming and stressful...All these new foes, and issues..These 'Grounders', Eugene..." Octavia continued, but soon had her words cut off by a loud roar crackling out from the depths of the woods.

"That thing!" Finn added, standing up on his feet. Octavia leaped up, getting in a stance which looked like a fighting stance mixed with a dance move. The two stood quietly, staring into the dark shadowy abyss of the woods. Right in front of them, was a big blob of black between the two trees, all you saw was plain black. Finally, two large yellow dots appeared in the darkness, with a dark pupil in the middle. Finn and Octavia froze up. The two yellow dots, were glowing eyes. "Stand...still.." Finn whispered, barely moving his lips. Octavia panicked, losing her stance and falling to the grass. She let a deluded whine carry out, causing the whole forest to erupt with a loud roar, and the ground quaking. The beast stepped from the woods. Octavia and Finn gasped, wrenching back towards the metal walls of the Dropships side. The beast was on all fours, very large and big, scuffs of brown and black fur was implanted up and down its body. The beast had a snout which had a black peek of a nose at the end, with its circular ears rising. It's mouth unbolted, causing his lower jaw to nether. Its mouth was filled with jagged white teeth, which were pointier then the sharpest mountain tip on Earth. tracts of drool slithered down each tooth, swelling into balls which dripped from his lower lips. Octavia squinted, not fully recognizing the being. The only information Octavia knew, was that it was a large mammal. Another roar crackled once more, as it opened its mouth wider, globs of saliva flung towards Octavia and Finn. Finn latched Octavia's hand, and he broke into a run. Past the Dropship, and over a few muddy logs and fallen trees.

"The Bunkers up ahead!" Octavia squealed, feeling the beings large footsteps crunch small twigs and branches behind her. The two silhouettes ran in the night, as the large beast of doom followed right after. Up ahead, Octavia spotted the ridden hole, with the usual rusted ladder hanging to the side, so one can climb down. The footsteps got louder, and louder, and louder. Finn grabbed Octavia's side more firmly, and threw her at the hole. Octavia used her instincts, and grabbed the ladder, fastening herself so she was collateral with the ladders rungs. "Finn, run!" Octavia screamed, seeing Finn huffing and puffing as his arms shot back and forth. His hair flying in the wind, his feet speeding forward. He leaped forward, extending his arm out for Octavia to grab. She grabbed his arm, while the beast grabbed his leg with its teeth, and yanked him back. Octavia kept her grip sturdy, and held Finn tight, allowing him to not get whisked away by the pointy-toothed monster.

"L-Leave me!" Finn screamed. Octavia saw the hurt in his eyes, and the blood on his legs. Fear swelled up in her, and she coldly sniffled, battling the beasts grip. She can't be afraid, fear is a demon. She thought to herself, continuing to tug. The more she tugged, the more Finn screamed in pain. She won't let him go, she won't give up. She then put both hands on his right arm, and pulled as hard as she could. She felt Finn slowly unfasten from the beasts mouth, flying forward, falling down the hole. Octavia hit the ground with a thud, right beside Finn. Not a dead Finn, an alive Finn. She exhaled in relief, feeling traumatized. The door to the bunker was right to her right, and injured Finn was on her left. She trembled with fear, one of the most explicit moments in all her life just unfolded in front of her very own eyes. The scariest of the scariest, the overwhelming over the overwhelming. She inhaled and exhaled rapidly, over all the events that took place, over all the trauma and fear, she is still alive.

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