Chapter 20 Bellamy

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He and Octavia shivered, as a sudden chilly breeze pasted, and the whole forest was foggy, and glowing blue. It was night time, and he and Octavia were lost. 

"Bellamy, I'm scared, will we ever find our way back!?" Octavia asked, sniffling from the wind. Bellamy sighed, nodding his head, attempting to remain positive. He regrets going all the way out to the deep woods, he should've known once they began seeing unfamiliar trees, they should have turned back. 

"Its alright O, not long now till we are back at the bunker, its maybe a few minutes away.." He lied, trying to keep her calm. She pouted, shaking her head. 

"You think I'm stupid, don't you? We passed that same fern tree an hour and a half ago, we're lost." She rolled her eyes, continuing to stroll on. Bellamy nodded once more, following his senses. The moonlight was barely visible behind the amounts of bluish fog, swarming the air, and concurring the ground, swaying with attitude all around the woods. Bellamy just hoped they wouldn't run into any foes, he didn't want to have to kill anymore, not after what he had done on The Ark. Or even worse, he doesn't want to die, which is not going to happen, he knows damn well no one is taking his life, he'd rather kill then to be killed, he is not leaving Octavia alone on a savage infested planet. "I'm hungry..can we stop? Please? My feet hurt, and my head aches.." Octavia pleaded, lightly tapping her Brothers side. Bellamy had to agree, he was feeling the same symptoms Octavia was experiencing, perhaps they should rest, or even set up camp and wait for morning, this way the sun can guide them, and maybe the fog will even die down. 

"Alright." He shrugged, stopping suddenly, and crouching towards the ground, and pulling a circular object from his side. 

"Whats that?" Octavia asked. 

"That bird we hunted earlier...or should I say, you, hunted." Bellamy chuckled, trying to continuously remain conclusive. He unrolled the bird meat from the small handkerchief he had it rolled up in, the birds fluids were drained earlier, when Octavia killed it, and most of its feathers were plucked. Bellamy grabbed a few nearby logs, making an X out of them, arranging them so they crossed equally, like two arrays. He then reached into his pocket, and pulled out a lighter. 

"Where did you get that from!?" Octavia asked. 

"I had it for weeks now, it was in one of the boxes in the bunker..."

"What!? Your telling me, we were strolling around in the dark, when we could've used that lighters light!?"

"O, relax." He assured, lighting the tip of the logs. "The lights not that bright..." The log began to flicker with tiny flames, spreading onto the other logs, which flickered in the middle of the foggy woods, the only light that was seen besides the moons spotlight, aiming right on The fire. Octavia sat down by Bellamy, consuming the warmth as Bellamy grinned, ramming a stick through two slabs of bird meat, and holding it over the conflagration, roasting the meat. The first meal ever that Bellamy is going to cook on Earth. His eyes flashed as the flames crackled, embers filling the air. Octavia sneezed, and leaned back against the tree. 

"I honestly still can't believe it..." Octavia said, with a smile. Bellamy rose his brows, glancing at his sister. 

"What? That we're lost, or that we are finally on Earth?" Bellamy asked. Octavia shook her head, and stared at him fully. Her eyes twinkled, as you saw the yellowish fire through her brown pupils, continuing to flicker, her smile conjoining her cheeks, and her brows raising. 

"Our luck." She said lowly, taking her dark sweat shirt off, throwing it to the side. She wore a dark red tank-top, and her hair carelessly streamed down her shoulders. "We found a bunker, managed to survive these past weeks, as others perished...Monty, Dane..That whole family who use to own the bunker...they were the ones that cease to survive, they were the ones that died over time...I just am astonished that we are making it through, and me." She smiled wider. Bellamy smiled back, he never has felt so close to his sister, so passionate, so pure. He leaned over, and hugged her, closing his eyes tightly as the aroma of cooked bird filled the air, and frenzies of smiles immersed. But all of that faded. All of that exited the mood, and the filter suddenly changed from a florescent beautiful blue, to a tangy dark red, as Bellamy flew back, his nose bleeding. Octavia screamed, as she struggled to run towards her Brother. Bellamy lifted upon his heels, staring forward. A man had his arms around Octavia, as she screamed out for her brother. Bellamy ran forward, but was soon thrown back to the grass by another individual. His vision was suddenly beginning to darken, as the final thing he saw, was Octavia being carried away, her screams becoming muffled, the fire going out with a whisk, and Bellamy's eyes shutting. Octavia, was taken. 

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