Chapter 16 Bellamy

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He was chasing her all night. Octavia kept running away from her brother, due to the gruesome acts he performed to get down to earth with her. The morning sunlight peeked over the wide hills, sending its beams past the trees and into the fields, Bellamy knew he wasn't too far away from the bunker, and he knew Clarke wouldn't mind tending to Finn for a few more hours while he was searching.

"Octavia!" Bellamy called out, knowing she was in the area. He soon watched as a black figure dashed from the bush, and behind the tree. Bellamy rolled his eyes, walking forward, and spiraling around the tree to see Octavia, leaning against it as if he couldn't see her. "I see you, you know.." Bellamy sighed, shaking his head. Octavia sighed, sliding down the tree onto her bottom, as she curled her legs up, and hugged her knees, burying her face into the tip of her knees. "Look Octavia, you need to stop running..I understand what I did was wrong, but your overreacting.."

"Am I?" Octavia asked with a snort, staring up at her brother who looked more of a burden then brother. "You killed the Chancellor, and who knows what else! I told all the kids at the care center that my brother was a hero, someone you could rely on, someone who you could speak to when your depressed, someone who loves you, someone who will never stop loving you..." Octavia sniffled, looking as if she were about to cry. Bellamy felt as if he were about to cry, as his heart sunk. His hands dropped  to his side, as he received the realization of what he had done. He killed a man. He sadly slid right next to her, staring into the distance. The sun was still rising, and flocks of crows flew by, reflecting yellow rays on him and his sister. 

"Octavia, I still love you..I'll never stop...Please, I know what i did was wrong, I regret it...Just stop running...I understand your upset, I understand you didn't ask for this, I understand you don't want to be here, and I understand you may hate me for the rest of my life...But I love you, O, I'll do anything to protect you, anything to make sure your okay, anything to save you...because your my little sister.." His words were subtle, and a bit heartwarming, he noticed Octavia's depressed mug turn into a docile frown. 

"I understand..Its just...when you do things like that..It doesn't just hurt my feelings, it reflects on you.." Octavia's eyes began to water, as she sniffled broadly. "N-Now, they might take you away from me. they might k-kill you when they come down! you'll be away from me again, and this t-time..maybe forever.." Octavia finished the sentence before breaking into tears, burying her face into Bellamy's shoulder. He frowned, feeling tears stream down his own cheeks as he looked down on his little sister, kissing her forehead. 

"Don't you w-worry, nothing is going to ever happen to me! I won't let it happen, you and I are going to be safe forever, nothing is ever going to happen to us, I won't let it..." he smiled down at her, tears still dripping down his cheeks. Octavia looked up at him, and this time hugged him boldly, resting her face on his shoulders. "We are going to confront this together, as family...Bloods thicker then Water.." He whispered into her ear, gripping her harder. She soon unlatched, plopping right down beside him. Bellamy felt one hundred percent better, and he felt even more close to Octavia. 

" are we going to do this? Stall them from coming down here as long as we can?" Octavia asked, tilting her head and raising her brow. Bellamy nodded. 

"Yes, the longer they are up there, the more time we have to survive, and gain everyone's trust, once we do that, we will leave...We won't be betraying them, we'll still come back here from time to time, but we can't intertwine in battle with the guards, as soon as they come down here, they'll be looking for me." Bellamy said, his eyes locked on Octavia's. Octavia nodded, rising upon her feet. 

"Alright, I doubt they'll be coming down anytime soon..."

"Hopefully, O, Hopefully." Bellamy replied, standing up as well, staring off into the distance. He began a small walk, and she followed. They'll make it back to the bunker before noon. But on the way, Bellamy couldn't clear his thoughts and start a fresh page. All this crap with the Grounders and bunker is spiraling him to go mad, he can't sleep at night, he worries about Alyson and Jasper, and all the other people at the Dropship, he even worries about Clarke from time to time. Things on earth were not as they seemed, Bellamy never expected all this drama and horror, all these deaths, and failures. The biggest giant that he hasn't faced was Eugene. He may be from The Ark, but his backstory still remains unknown, why he is here, still is a mystery, he may have explained a little bit about himself, but not all is discovered. What disturbs Bellamy the most, is that he is out there with his friends right now, doing an act of the unknown. 

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