Chapter 17 Octavia

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Her and Bellamy trekked back to camp, within two hours. The walk surprisingly was the least bit exhausting, which made Octavia smile the whole way. She was glad she and her brother had time to connect back at that tree, It really opened her eyes to see how much he loves her, and how far they will go to not be separated. Bellamy slid down the ladder, followed by Octavia, once the two reached the bottom, they opened up the door, and stepped inside the bunker. Finn was on the cot, asleep. Octavia smiled, noticing Clarke not there.

"Where is she?" Octavia asked, inspecting the red velvet couch, and the moved shelves, even the video room. She was gone.

"She probably took a walk.." Bellamy said, smiling as he sat right down on the couch.

"The camcorders gone's not on the tripod." Octavia said worried, sitting right down next to her brother.

"Relax O, She probably took it with her, it may be charged all the way...Lets talk or something." Bellamy smiled, gripping Octavia's hand, providing a squeeze. Octavia smiled, and nodded, seeming uninterested in what the bunkers secrets hold. "Your birthdays almost here, remember?" Bellamy asked with a smile. "And you told me the first day we landed, that you'd love to go that's what we are going to do today." Bellamy grinned, patting her shoulder. Octavia smiled in excitement, remembering back to the first day on Earth, all the excitement, happiness. Thinking back to that day made her mouth widen in pleasure.

"Alright,but what will we hunt with?" Octavia asked in a quizzical tone, cocking her head to the side.

"When we tied Eugene up in the half Dropship, when he was trying to shoot at you, I compensated every weapon he had. He didn't just have a rifle, he had this." Bellamy pulled a black tinted handgun out from his back pocket. Octavia knew it wasn't loaded, and excitement crept over her.

"Oh boy, am I going to be able to shoot that thing!?" She asked hoarsely, raising a brow.

"Yep, now come on, I have a few rounds in my pocket, we'll go up and find a two-headed deer or something." Bellamy chuckled.

"What about Finn?" Octavia asked. "Who will watch him?"

"He'll be fine, his wound is healing, and he is asleep...Now lets go do your Birthday present." Bellamy smiled, exiting the room, and climbing up the ladder. Octavia was eager to follow, but dreaded the thought of Finn waking up to an intruder, she felt it was wrong to leave him, but she had to follow her Brother, it'd hurt his feelings if she rejected his present. So Octavia followed up the ladder, stepping into the clearing. The noon sunlight reflected off of the cracked open half-Dropship, which was beginning to rot and fall apart. Octavia always wonders if the people who were in there survived, if when they got disconnected they managed to roam the woods, and if they are still alive to this day. "There's a bird over there..." Bellamy aimed his finger across the clearing at a black beaked crow, huddled up in a birch tree. Bellamy loaded the gun by sliding a rectangular clip into the bottom compartment, slid back the top nozzle which made a loud 'Chh' noise, then aimed.

"Whoa, how do you know all this stuff?" Octavia innocently asked, kicking a pebble around on the ground.

"Earth Skills, a class on the Ark where they teach you survival skills, and acts of weaponry...It is a mid-terminal class, filled with numerous activities in survival...Now all you have to do, is aim, close one eye.." Bellamy shut one eye, aiming up a bit. A loud crackle rang out, and a yellow spark ignited at the tip of the guns nozzle, "And fire!," Bellamy said excitedly, seeing the black crow fall from the trees. Octavia held her cheeks in fear, but soon allowed her hands to fall by her side when Bellamy gave her a reassuring smile, and a sincere pat on the back. "Octavia, its okay...We aren't going to kill these animals for fun, we'll eat them...Want to learn how to skin a bird?" He asked his smile growing larger. Octavia jumped with joy, as she nodded repeatedly, following Bellamy over to the crow. It was still alive, and twitching insanely, its body jerking with movement, and a liquid spurring from its open beak. Octavia felt bad, but it wasn't like they were killing a human being. Bellamy extended his hand out, with the gun tucked in his palms. "Go ahead, its in pain...they don't always die the first shot..."

"What!? Why me!?" Octavia asked frantically, hugging herself out of temptation.

"Because your my little scout for the day, and this is what a hunter must do to eat his don't have to..but I recommend it, O." Bellamy's voice was flat, but it convinced Octavia enough. She slowly grabbed the handguns tip, and flipped it over so her fingers were on the trigger, and her thumb was behind the handle. She smiled as she aimed it downward at the convulsing winged mammal. Bellamy smiled at her, patting her once more. "Your fifteen little sis is growing up....growing up on Earth. Happy Birthday, Octavia." Bellamy's hardy voice echoed in Octavia's mind, as she squeezed the trigger, and a loud pop was heard. The bird never twitched again. Never.

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