Chapter 6 Clarke

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She was down in the Bunker with Bellamy, going through supply boxes, and anonymous boxes which were stored on the wall.

"There is a secret to this place, and I'm finding it.." Clarke said gruffly, raucously digging through a white tinted box. Bellamy nodded, as he assisted her in removing the top off an old can. The can had a square of tape slapped onto the side, with writing in Sharpie saying 'Shots.' The container was filled with needles and small circular bottles. One of the small bottles contained some sort of liquid, Clarke unscrewed the top and peered inside. a Green colored liquid swayed around in the small bottle, reminding Clarke of the medicine from back on The Ark. She remembers watching her Mother perform surgeries, stitch up a wound, or even inject some people with the correct medicine. Her mothers medical skills shined upon Clarke, also showing her a thing or two about doctoring wounds and what not. Clarke sighed, thinking back to her childhood, when she, her Mother, and Father use to watch old movies on The Ark. Or when she, Her Father, Wells, and Wells Father The Chancellor, use to watch old sports game.

"What did you find?" Bellamy asked, peering into the container of liquid. Clarke snapped away from her thoughts and shrugged blankly.

"Eh, I'm not sure. This stuff looks like some kind of material you inject someone with..The only question is, is it good, or is it bad?" She sighed. She placed it down on the nearby coffee table, closing her eyes for a quick second to regain her thoughts. A loud thump cackled, and Clarke's eyes zipped right back open. She turned her body, seeing a wincing Octavia, covered in mud and slop, dragging a bloody Finn inside the room. 

"Get that door shut! Hurry!" Octavia pleaded, her brows raising, as she panted at an extremity. Bellamy shot right over to her, asking questions swiftly, his brows raised as well, as he lifted her arm, peered around her back, checking to see if she was alright. 

"What happened!? Are you alright!? What happened to Finn!?" Bellamy asked rapidly, pacing a bit as he grit his teeth quizzically. 

"Bell, I'm fine! But Finns not!" Octavia replied, glaring down at Finns unconscious body, clung to Octavia's arm. 

"I swear to god, If Eugene tried to do anything to you, he'll be dead!" Bellamy replied, crackling his knuckles, as he shut the door behind Octavia in rage.

"It couldn't have been Eugene." Clarke spoke up, stepping into the mood with her lips pursed, her hands on her side, and her hair dangling over her back. "He went out earlier with Alyson and Jasper. They went back to the real Dropship to regroup with the rest of the hundred..." 

"What!?" Bellamy asked, his rage enhancing speedily. "How can you send those two out with that maniac! He tried killing Octavia, that doesn't mean he won't try to kill them!" Bellamy growled. Clarke honestly agreed with Bellamy. Eugene was a character. He tried killing Octavia, and threatened her, saying that she was going to end up just like Chris. Clarke debated whether she should tell Bellamy what he said to Octavia, but that'll only make things worse, as of now, getting Finn better is the main issue. 

"Everyone stop!" Octavia interrupted, her arms jousting in a much irritated manor. "It wasn't Eugene! It was-was-was that thing! That Monster!" She bawled, flailing her arms, as she let go of Finns arms, laying him on his back on the floor. 

"Wait, you saw it?" Clarke asked, curiosity tingling inside her. She had yet to see the being, considering the fact that she only heard its roars, footsteps, and actually got a glance of its teeth when it decapitated Monty a few days ago. 

"I didn't just see it, I experienced it...That thing is deadly, deadlier then any so called 'Grounder' can be...Now come on, Finns leg is torn!" Octavia retorted, crossing her arms at Clarke. Clarke knelt down, examining the wound. There was a slab of knee meat missing, exposing his femur, and half of the tibia. Clarke grabbed an old rag from the top of the desk, and coiled it around the large gash. She knew Bellamy knew the situation well, because he handed her one of the medicine filled boxes. The box didn't contain much, just a few scalpels and vials. Eventually Clarke found some duct-tape. She grabbed the roll, and began looming it around Finns gash. Finally, she lifted his head up, and threw a cushion under, so he can rest. "

"I think that'll do, if hes not awake in the morning, we'll re-wrap the gash..." Clarke muttered, rising upon the soles of her boots. Octavia clenched Finns hands and frowned. 

"Will he be okay!?" She asked, dwindling her hair around softly. 

"He should be..." Clarke replied, crossing her arm. "Before we do any further speculation, what did the beast look like?" She asked, plopping down on the red velvet couch. 

"It was huge, furry, had yellow eyes, sharp teeth, and a large snout-like nose..." Octavia said, also sitting down. Bellamy watched the two, leaning against the wallpapered walls, his arms crossed, and his chin high. Clarke could tell he was thinking about Alyson. "I'm not sure if it was poisonous though." Octavia spoke up. Clarke nodded, patting her shoulders. 

"Sounds like a bear...But we'll have to be sure. If we ever encounter it again." Clarke laid back against the couches arms, resting her chin on her fist. Octavia kept glancing at Finn every few moments, making sure he was alright, While Bellamy had the same hollow look on his face the whole night, he looked ghostly, and worried, while a dim light lit the room. The mood was eerie, yet so relaxing. Clarke's eyes drifted shut, as she felt the couch caress her gently. Everything got darker, and darker, and darker, and she was asleep. 

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