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Itabby had woken up late, and shivered as a cold breeze brushed against his fur. He opened his eyes and looked around at the home and saw that everything was turned off and that a light rain was blowing through the window. The first thought that came to his mind was, Where was Germouser? He pounced off the cold bed, warm paws meeting the floor and fur fluffing out to keep self warm.
Itabby started checking everywhere but ended up finding nothing.
The golden cat checked outside, and flinched as he was met with warm water drenching his fur and a fierce wind almost blowing him back inside. He climbed up onto the railing and squinted at the beach and meowed when he saw two large figures and a small black cat hissing as they ran toward the house, holding what seemed to be bags and an umbrella.
Germouser tumbled onto the porch first and Itabby dropped down and ushered him inside before their owners could step on them.
- 10 Minutes Later -
Italy was laughing as he shook out his hair, Germany frowning as he dried himself off. Itabby just drew his tongue over Germouser's fur, like a mother would do her kitten. Germouser purred loudly, the lazy and long strokes of Itabby's tongue on his sore muscles and wet fur making him doze off into sleep. Germany watched them a minute and saw Italy shivering and took him by his elbow and led him to the bathroom.
Italy had smiled, "Where-a are we going Doitsu?" Germany just cracked the smallest of smiles. "The trip vould be ruined if you caught a cold. So vere going to get a bath really quick." Italy beamed, "Ve~ Luddy's the best~~" Germany chuckled and shut the door behind them.
Itabby dragged his favorite blanket over Germouser and went to go investigate the mysterious bags his owners were holding. He sniffed a bit, and dumped the bag on it's side, a collar falling out. Itabby pounced back at the object, but pawed at it until it was a good four feet away from him. It was red white and green with a little bell, that tinkled when he batted at it. There was also a small golden flag with some language on it that Itabby couldn't understand. His curl and tail were swishing in curiosity as he rummaged more through the bags, food, souvenirs, another collar that scared him and nudged it to see that it was black, yellow, and red.
Germouser's country.
He rummaged through the rest of the bags and found just shells, more food, and pet essentials. Germouser watched the curious tabby and realized his bow wasn't around his neck. Like, his fur was flat and the feel of fabric WAS NOT THERE AND HE LET OUT A MEOW OF TERROR THAT WAS HIS BELOVED BOW MEIN GOTT AND HE LOVED THAT BOW!!!! He NEEDED to get it back. No matter what the cost.
I'm very sorry for the short chapter but I swear I'll try to write more soon. :3

-Nekotalia/GerIta Drabble-Where stories live. Discover now