Chapter 6: The Hands of Small Children

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  • Dedicated to Haley Schales

It walked and stopped right in front of them. 

"Boo!" it lifted off the hood.

Cara and Pogo jumped, then felt relieved, yet pissed, when they saw Courtney's face. Twiggy and Ginger lifted off their hoods as well. Cara and Pogo turned to face them. 

"Oh man, you guys are suckers.." Ginger laughed. 

"Did you see their faces?" Twiggy couldn't contain his laughter. He and Ginger high-fived eachother. 

Courtney just stood there, smiling. "Man, I love me." 

"You guys are assholes," Cara pushed Ginger and Twiggy, then jumped on Courtney and pinned her to the ground. 

"That was good, huh?" Courtney smirked. 

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" Cara held Courtney's arms down. 

Pogo pulled her off and Twiggy helped Courtney off the ground. 

"It was a joke, dude, calm down," Courtney brushed herself off. 

Pogo high-fived Ginger. "That was pretty sick, dude. Who thought of it?" Pogo looked around at the three of them.

"Courtney saw you guys walking and we figured you would be coming through here. We just all kinda hopped in on it. Didn't figure you'd actually fall for it." Ginger smiled. 

They gathered the rest of the bones and walked out of the cemetary. A car squealed by and ran right through a puddle, which splashed them all.

"Oh man! What the hell!" Ginger threw his arms down. Marilyn stuck his head out of the sun roof. 

"FUCKERS!" he screamed and took a drink of his beer. Pogo picked up a rock and chunked it at the car. It missed by ten feet and rolled about three. Twiggy, Courtney and Ginger got the worst of the water slung on them. 

Pogo gently chuckled to Cara and pointed at the others, who were walking a few paces ahead. "Karma's a bitch, huh?" She grinned at him and kept walking. 

They got to the house and Marilyn was sitting on the couch. Courtney and Cara, who were both pretty soaked, ran and jumped on him. "What now, bitch!"  Cara shreiked. 

"You like that?" Courtney stared at him. 

"Actually...yes, I do..." he smirked. Twiggy looked down then grabbed Courtney and sat her on his lap and wrapped his arms around her and grinned. She leaned down and started kissing him. Ginger plopped down beside them.

"How bout a threesome?" he asked, hopefully. Twiggy rudely blew it off and continued kissing her. Ginger looked down, saddened. 

Courtney stopped and looked at Ginger, "Aww, ging..." she put her hand on his lap and kissed his cheek. He smiled and went to the bathroom.

"MMMM. That's interesting," Cara laughed and Courtney caught on and laughed too. The guys just stared, confused. 

"Pfft. Girls" Marilyn put Cara down and walked out. Pogo sat by Cara.

"Well, I need to go check on Daisy," she let out a deep breath and heading upstairs. Pogo watched as she made her way up them and sighed, slouching down into the couch. He looked over towards Twiggy, who now had Courtney underneath him making out with her on the couch. He scoffed and headed for bed. 

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