Chapter 16: Running to the Edge of the World

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Cara sat alone in the corner of the tourbus. She glared down at her tattoos as she remembered the memories she had with Daisy and these tattoos that they got together and the time they spent together. Yes, he was a junky. But fuck, she loved him. 

She gripped her chest as it felt like her heart were about to be ripped out of her as tears streamed down her face and her makeup dropped to her jeans and stained them. 

"Sometimes hate is not enough

To turn this all to ashes.

Together as one

Against all others

Break all of our wings to

Make sure it crashes" 

Cara thought about this and decided she should give these lyrics to Marilyn at some point. At this moment, she was on the edge of the world, though. And not even Marilyn or her best friend Courtney could help her. 

She crawled over to the middle of the bus where the bunks were, and pushed inside one and fell behind the curtain. She reached under her pillow and pulled out a pipe and put some weed in it. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. 

Suddenly, she felt the curtain shift and she opened her eyes. The softest blue eyes caught hers and she wiped her face when she noticed that it was Pogo.He motioned if he could come in and she nodded and put the pipe down. He sat next to her and grabbed her hand. She flinched at first and then tightened her grip once she got used to the touch. She looked up into his eyes as he looked deep into hers. 

"Are you going to be alright?" he spoke in the most sincere voice she had ever heard out of him before. 

She gulped and put her head down. He placed an arm around her and pulled her close. "I don't want you to do anything stupid. You're the most important thing in the world to me. The band, too." he softened. 

She placed her head into his chest and Pogo held her as she cried in his arms. 

Marilyn and Twiggy sat on the couch in the hotel room. They had a few hours before the next show. 

"What the fuck are we supposed to do now? I mean...I can play guitar and bass but not at the same time man. We need some drugs or something for this shit." Twiggy placed his hands on his knees and looked around nervously. "I just feel so bad about this shit. so bad..."

"Twiggy. Shut the fuck up. You know we had to do this...Not just for the band.." he trailed off and Twiggy stopped moving to look at him. 

"Yeah. I know."

"We couldn't let that shit go on, yknow? We already had to deal with Gidget." Marilyn murmured. 

Twiggy looked down to the floor. "Yep. but can you hear her in there, man? She hasn't stopped crying since we left."

"Actually now it's more of an awkward sit and stare..." Ginger strolled into the room casually. "She's back there now just kinda...creepy." 

Courtney laughed from across the room and Twiggy smirked. 

"I think the next step is to have an audition for a guitarist. We're in Chicago now. So sureley we can find someone here." 

"But our show is tonight, Marilyn....." Twiggy griped.

"Then we best hurry.." Marilyn snarled.

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