Chapter 14: Misery Machine

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Pogo sat on his bed, face cupped in his hands on the verge of crying. Twiggy walked in and plopped down on the bed beside him, hands between his legs, looking off in space. He turned to Pogo and Pogo looked out through one of his hands and glared at him with one eye.

"What do you want?" Pogo asked, irritated. 

Twiggy frowned at him, then began to smile. 

Pogo scoffed and looked back down.

"Are you gonna be ok?" Twiggy asked.

"Again, what is your purpose?" Pogo sarcasted. 

"Fine. I'll leave you alone. I'm sorry." Twiggy frowned and sat up to leave.

"No" Pogo grabbed Twiggy by the arm and pulled him back down, " It's ok. I'm sorry. I'm just really upset," he protested.

"Yes, I know this" Twiggy removed Pogo's hands from his face. "So what's the dilemma?" 

Pogo clenched his fist and stared at them on his lap. "Fucking Cara! God! I can't take it anymore! I just want to be with her, or be OVER HER!" he raised his voice. 

At the moment her name was mentioned, Cara walked by the door and paused. In awe, she sank to the floor and was mortified. 

Twiggy came out of the room and saw her. 

"Cara? Are you ok?" he asked, worriedly. He fell to her side and she turned to him, tear-stained face and mascara running. 

"I didn't know I could make someone's life so horrible," she sobbed. 

He grabbed her in his arms and hugged her, rubbing her back. "It's ok. He'll be ok" he whispered to her. 

Cara stared blankly and confused, consumed in Twiggy's embrace. 

Sorry this is so short, but I wasn't sure where I needed to go with this. When we wrote this when we were younger, we stopped at this point and I was wondering what you would like to see happen next. Should Cara tell Daisy, or talk to Pogo about it? Or should she stay with Daisy and just move out. Or should she leave Daisy for Pogo. Should she start messing with Pogo on the side? Let me know :3

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