Chapter 25: The nervous system is down

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Cara walked aimlessly around the house the next couple of days, terrified to leave. She finally stumbled into Twiggy's room as he snorted a few lines on a piece of glass he had on top of his bed. 

She lazily plopped on the bed next to him. "hey" he grinned, wiping the white off his nose.

She smirked and leaned down, snorting a line. Twiggy gasped. "Cara! I'm so proud of you!" he proclaimed and patted her on the back.

"Cara. what's up?" she heard Pogo's voice behind her. As she turned around, Pogo stood with his arms clasped leaning against the door frame. "you dont do this...." he said, walking over to the bed and looking as Twiggy snorted another line. "something is wrong" he spoke, staring into her eyes.

"No really. I'm fine." she lied. Pogo ran his fingers along her cheekbones.

"Promise me." Pogo's voice was low and seductive.

"I promise." *I can't involve them in this ever* she thought.

Pogo left the room to find Marilyn, who was playfully throwing things at John, who laughed out loud.

"oww. that hurts"

"see! these aren't suitable for eating. these could hurt someone." he said as he threw another.

"Marilyn. I need to speak to you about something important." Pogo stepped in.

Marilyn stopped and noticed the look on his face. "I'll be coming back..." he said jokingly pointing at John who shared a laugh with him.

Pogo pulled Marilyn out into the hallway. "It's Cara." he sighed. "she just walked into Twiggy's room and snorted coke. she hasn't been herself lately I'm worried."

Marilyn furrowed his eyebrows. "what can I do about it?"

Pogo placed his fingers on his temples. "Youre her best friend. Shell listen to you. Obviously Twiggy isn't a good role model."

"it isn't his strong suit" Marilyn agreed. "I'll give her some time. I always know where she goes"

Pogo sighed. "ok man. I just don't know what I'd do without her."

"I know. me either." Marilyn patted Pogo's shoulder.

Cara shoved herself into Twiggy's closet, pulling out her cellphone. She dialed for Reney.

"hello" she heard a quiet voice answer.

"Reney..." her voice broke.

"Cara! are you ok?"


"it's okay. you can tell me." Reney assured her.

Cara took a deep breath and wiped the tears from her eyes. "Daisy..." she shuddered. "he's back. he actually never left. He sold his plane ticket for a car and has been stalking me. He's outside the hotel right now."

"oh my god. Cara. have you told anyone?"


"you need to!"

"I can't....I...I'm sure it's nothing"

"please be careful. I'm going to find a way down there to see you"

"You dont have to do that..."

"Shuttup. You need me" Reney insisted.

"ok. I'll see you soon." Cara hung up her phone. As she looked around outside the closet, she noticed everyone had left into the other side of the hotel suite.

Cara took this time to go to her favorite thinking spot: the old theatre.


Normally, it'd be kind of terrifying to enter the theatre, but Cara came there alot over the years. She stepped into the empty corridor, her steps echoing throughout the building. Her shoes clumped all the way to the edge of the stage. She looked up at the scenery that had been left from the last production. It was a beautiful forest scene. It looked crisp and alive. She walked around to the steps and made her way to the center of the stage, where she sat down and dangled her feet. 

Soon after, she heard the clump of steps and between her sobs, she was sure it was Marilyn.

"well hello"

She heard the voice. she was wrong.

She tried to spring herself off the stage but just as she lept, Daisy caught her wrist and yanked it out of place.

"Dais...." she let out in a strained voice.

"I told you it was just a matter or time. Or did you forget that I knew about this place to?"

Cara struggled and Daisy twisted her wrist and drug her up on stage, pulling her back against his chest. He breathed down her neck. She closed her eyes tight and took a deep breath.

He pulled out a knife and placed it at her throat. "Do as I say. or I'll kill you right here."

Cara whimpered and Daisy shoved her  to the ground, placing a boot on her, should she move. He reached down and opened up the trap door in the center of the stage. He smirked down at Cara who shook her head. He kicked her ribs until she fell in.

Daisy jumped into the hole himself and closed the door behind him.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Cara cried out, pushing herself to the back corner of the crawlspace.

"I'm doing this to you? No. You did this to me. Look at me." he motioned at himself and fell to the ground.

There was a long silence and then a sigh from Daisy, who Cara could only see an outline of in the dark.

"I have cancer." he stated. He crawled over and sat next to Cara who was terrified. She never thought she'd be terrified of Daisy.

He brushed his newly dyed hair out of his face and made a fist in his hair.

"And you weren't there for me. my friends weren't there for me. instead they got rid of me. Left me to rot alone."

"Scott..." she said as she wearily reached for his leg.

"Don't...." he grabbed her sprained wrist and reached for the shackles he had placed on the wall. He clamped one down on her hand and reached around as she struggled and placed the other one in as well.

He let his fingers trail along her chin. "You're still so beautiful. It's a shame."

Cara whimpered.

"Shuttup or I'll gag you!" he snapped.

She nodded her head in agreement. "you speak when I say...."

He leaned forward and placed a hard kiss on her lips. She tried to resist but her brain told her to go with it if she wanted to live. She could only think of Pogo. Whoever this was, it wasn't Daisy anymore.

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