Chapter 26: Rape me, my friend

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It had been almost 24 hours and Cara was still shackled to the concrete wall in the crawlspace underneath the stage in the old theatre.

She could hear his steps above her as he paced back and forth talking to himself. "Gotta have just one last piece. One last bit of happiness. I'll get even"

Cara winced at his words. What was going to happen to her?

The trap door creeped open and daisy jumped down into the hole. He smirked and the look in his eyes ripped apart Cara's insides.

"So you just moved on so easily huh?"

"It wasn't easy. It doesn't matter what I say. Just do what you're going to do" Cara gulped.

Daisy inched closer. Luckily for him, Cara was wearing her favorite skirt. Easy Access.

He pushed open her legs forcefully and grabbed her panties and pulled them to the side. He slid his finger around inside of her until he got hard. Cara kept her head down as tears streamed from her eyes.


Reney finally arrived at the hotel and rushed inside, hoping Cara was ok and inside. When she arrived, she was sadly disappointed.

The guys were in the studio so Reney looked all over the suite and found no sign of Cara. she had even left her phone and wallet.

She ran to the studio door and barged in as Marilyn was singing.

"What the?" he uttered behind the Mic. The others quit what they were doing.

"Where's Cara?!" Reney shouted frantically.

Marilyn had a shocked look on his face and soon everyone was in front of Reney.

"Why? what's the matter? What do you know? Why are you here? Pogo begged.

"calm down. let her speak" Marilyn urged Reney on.

"She called me and told me Daisy had sold that plane ticket you guys left and he bought a car and has been following her."

"Shit! We have to get to the old theatre!" Marilyn grabbed the guys and they looked confused.

Pogo had already ran out the door.

"Twiggy. please. it's where she always goes. He might find her there!" Marilyn cried.

Twiggy grabbed his hand and they headed out the door.


Daisy breathed heavily on Cara's face as he stared at her. He picked her head up and slammed it against the wall, causing her to look back at him. She spit at him. 

"Is that all you know how to do anymore? Be a fucking whore?" he growled. She gritted her teeth as he began to undo his pants. He slid them off and shoved himself between her legs, slamming her into the wall as he put all of his strenght behind his thrusts. 

Cara gasped tears and whimpers as Daisy raped her. Try as she might, she couldn't do anything with her hands clasped to the wall and no matter how hard she kicked, he only returned with more strength. He covered her mouth and placed his hand on her forehead so he could see all the pain in her eyes. 

When he finished, he pulled out and watched as the blood trickled from her. She folded her legs and tried her best to turn her body away as she trembled. 

Daisy laughed. "You used to like that... "

"You're a fucking pig" Cara spat. 

Then she heard it, the click. 

She looked up and saw Daisy, gun in hand. And it was pointing at her. 


"Hurry! Please!" Reney cried as they pulled into the theatre. 

Pogo slammed through the front door and ran up the aisle, looking helplessly around for any sign of Cara. Marilyn wasn't far behind him. He got onto the stage and looked down at the spot where Cara usually sat. He pictured her with her legs dangling off and a smile on her face. 

"Cara!!! Where are you!" he yelled


Cara gasped and Daisy crawled to her, placing a hand on her mouth and the gun to her head. The footsteps above were so close. Her vision was clouded by tears. She was about to die. 


Pogo grabbed Marilyn and pointed at the door in the middle of the stage. Marilyn opened it and Pogo jumped down inside. In one swift motion, Daisy turned to shoot whoever it was...until Marilyn and John and Twiggy and Ginger all clammored into the hole. 

For a split second, Daisy returned to himself as he stared at Cara, then he turned the gun on himself, and pulled the trigger. 

Cara hid her face as the sound of the gun reverberated in the tiny crawlspace. Daisy's body fell limp as parts of him flew behind him where Marilyn and the others stood. 

Marilyn stood in shock as the blood slapped him across the face and Daisy was no more. Pogo crawled over Daisy's body to Cara. 

"Oh my god...." he whispered..."Cara..." He grabbed her face and watched as her eyes transfixed on the body lying on the ground. She let out a gasping sob and looked at the ground where her blood had pooled over by his. 

So much blood. The guys grabbed Marilyn and pulled him out of the hole and stopped Reney before she went inside. 

"Is she? Is she ok?" she asked.

Marilyn, John, Twiggy and Ginger's faces were in shock and Marilyn just leaned down and hugged her, unsure of what to say. 

Ginger had called the cops and they were on the way. Meanwhile, Pogo searched for a way to free Cara. 

"Twiggy!!" he yelled. Twiggy reluctantly edged to the opening of the hole.

"Yes.." he barely uttered.

"Help me find her a way out of here!" Pogo pleaded. 

"The cops will be here soon. They can cut her out" His voice was devoid. "Just get out of there please"

"I'm not leaving her in here with that thing" 

Twiggy sighed and jumped into the hole, grimacing as he stepped over Daisy. He wrapped his tiny arms around Cara and didn't let go until the cops arrived. 

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