Chapter 11: Snake Eyes and Sissies

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They got out of the car and walked to the back of the house. Marilyn was laying on the ground and Daisy and Pogo were on opposite sides, on their knees accompanied by two girls on their left side. They all had two fingers underneath the seemingly knocked out or sleeping Marilyn.

"Light as a feather, stiff as a board," they all repeated. 

Twiggy laughed and ran and jumped on Pogo, "You guys aren't serious...right?" The chick by Daisy stared evily up at him. "Ahh!" he screeched and jumped to Courtney. 

After ten minutes of watching them fail on lifting Marilyn, Cara looked to the burning pile of bush. 

"What the hell is this?" she asked.

They finally gave up on the witchcraft and Daisy ran to her, "Hey babe." he smiled. 

She grabbed him by his junk and pulled him to her. He wrapped his hands around her neck and began to kiss her. 

"Get a room, gosh!" Courtney laughed. 

Daisy raised an eyebrow at Courtney and then threw Cara to the ground, making out with her. 

Pogo walked inside. Marilyn chased after him. 

"Hey! You guys are starting to turn me on!" Twiggy rubbed at his groin.

"Oh really??" Courtney stuck her hand up his dress. "Does that?" 

"Yep. Yep it does" he smiled and took off upstairs. Courtney followed. 

"See you guys..later" she giggled. 

Daisy rolled off Cara onto the grass beside her. She stared off, up into the sky following the smoke trails. Daisy turned his head and watched her. 

"What?" she finally asked. 

"Nothing. I just love watching you" he smiled

"Stalker" she teased and he pushed her arm, playfully. 

Meanwhile, Pogo was having a nervous breakdown. 

"Dude, it's okay! You're fine" Marilyn ran to him, grabbing his shoulder.

Pogo pulled away, "NO! I can't take it anymore!" Pogo slammed his fist into the fridge.

"Well, what can you do about it, then?" Marilyn stared at him, worried.

"Nothing," Pogo grumbled and slouched down in front of the fridge.

"She's not the end of the world..." Marilyn leaned down beside him.

"She's the end of mine," he got up and walked upstairs.

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