Chapter 19: When the Curtain Draws...

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The concert was over and the guys were exiting the stage. All the guys turned around and high-fived and hugged the newest member of Marilyn Manson. 

"Nice job, man!" Ginger high-fived him and pulled him in to a side hug. 

Twiggy just ran by and smacked him on the ass and said "Woohoo! Zim!"

Pogo walked by casually and nodded in approval. 

And then Marilyn came up behind him and placed an arm around his waist. "Nice show, Zim boy. I'll be happy to see where this venture will take us." Then he winked at him and walked away. 

Twiggy ran over to Courtney who hugged him and they kissed and walked away together. "Use protection, kids!" Pogo yelled out at them and then stared at Cara in her sad brown eyes. 

He placed a hand on her cheek and rubbed her cheek with his thumb. He grabbed her other hand and kissed it and then walked away, nodding hello to Renee. Marilyn and Ginger were talking and waved as they went off somewhere. 

Then there was just Zim. Renee stood motionless as he looked down at his guitar and smiled. 

"Hey Zim..." Cara started. "This girl here says she went to school with you and watched you play guitar there." 

He looked up and pulled a strand of hair behind his ear and he perked up. "Uh, Timothy" he held out his hand to her. 

Renee looked nervously at him and Cara edged her forward. Renee shakily took Zim's hand in hers and instead of shaking hands, they just kind of stood there entranced in eachother's stares. 

Cara cleared her throat. "Oh. I'm Renee" 

"That's a lovely name. I remember you, actually. You always hid out in the back. why so? You do know that vegetarians don't bite, don't you? At least not meat anyways :P" he smirked and raised an eyebrow at her. 

She and Cara laughed both. 

"Really? I'm so flattered you remember me. I was always a big fan. I'm so happy that you made it!" Renee smiled at him. He stroked his thumb along her hand and smiled up at her. 

"Thank you. I really appreciate it. I'm glad you're here. Let's go do something, alright?" He asked her. She looked over to Cara who nodded and she walked off with Zim. 

Cara gathered herself in what seemed like an emotional fit that was about to happen. She felt never as empty as she did now. And everyone was carrying on with their lives like nothing has happened? Do they not care that Daisy is gone? Do they not feel anything for the guy? We all started this band together! 


5 years earlier

Cara sifted through the dusty old vinyl records and placed a couple more copies of Led Zeppelin in their place. Twiggy, at this time, Jeordie, walked up behind her. 

"Hey, I'm just saying. That stuff is over" He said pointing to the vinyl. 

"What do you mean, over?" Cara laughed at him.

"I mean. I can play some mean shit on the strings, man. And all I gotta do is find some people and get something serious going."

"Amboog-a-lard is going nowhere, Jeordie" Cara scoffed at him. He hit her arm. 

"Well I've been seeing this guy, Scott.." Cara smiled and Twiggy scooted over next to her. 

"Do tell. " he joked. 

"He's gorgeous and he's super talented at guitar. He wants to start a band too, so maybe you guys should hook something up together." Cara told him.

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