Chapter 20: Where Do We Go From Here?

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Inside the hotel was loud. Too loud. Cara found a nice seat in the corner of the room. Actually in another room. There was a tiny table in front of the "Kitchen" area which was pretty much just one counter with a microwave on it, a sink and a fridge. Cara sat in the squeaky chair and watched the others as they dithered about. Here and there. She thought, *What I wouldn't give to have that feeling of well...nothing. Not a care*

She was scatterbrained at the moment and almost didn't hear Pogo talking to her. "Hello? Cara. Are you alright?" he waved his hand in her face, his black mohawk falling down into his eyes. She smiled. 

"I'm good."

"Have you seen where Zim went? I wanted to chat him up." Pogo said.

"Yeah. He and Renee took off somewhere together."


"In short, a fan of his from college who found out he made it big" Cara shrugged.

Pogo's lips made an 'o' expression and he pulled the seat from across the table up and scooted it next to her and sat down. She looked over at him and remembered when they first met.


5 years earlier

"So what you are telling me is that Queensreich is better than Black Flag?" Brian threw his hands up at Jeordie.

"Yeah man. WAY better" he shrugged at him as he, Brian and Cara walked into the pub. 

The t.v. was on, and it was some stupid celebrity talk show like Phil Donahue. Brian scoffed and ordered everyone a drink. There was this guy. To most I guess you would say he was menacing. He wore what looked like german nazi pants with high rising boots, a black flag shirt with a red trenchcoat hanging it and dragging to the floor almost as he sat in the barstool. he wasn't looking at them, or anyone for that matter. He was looking up at the ceiling and laughing crazily to himself. Cara got up to walk towards him and Brian grabbed her shoulder. 

"Hey. What are you doing?" he looked at her nervously.

"I'm just gonna go say hi to this guy" she shrugged him off. "Relax I'm fine"

Jeordie saw what the commotion was about and busted in, "Hey!" he said kinda loud then leaned in with a whisper. "That guy is uber creepy, yo. I gots chills. and he might like rape you" he turned his gaze down so he was giving me the eye. I shook my head.

"You guys are idiots. That's probably what people say about you" 

They looked at eachother and tilted their heads. Cara walked over to the stool where the guy was.

"Hey" she said, friendly. The guy stopped rocking back and forth on the stool and turned his gaze towards hers. As soon as she saw his eyes,  a part of her melted. 

"Hello" he smirked and held out a hand nervously, because it was shaking. She took it and pulled up a stool next to him. He looked at her suspiciously. 

"Whats the matter? Never have someone just come up and talk to you before?" she laughed.

He shook his head no. "MMmm. Nope. Can't say I have." He looked into her eyes and looked away quickly, seeming startled. 

"I'm Cara." She spoke softly and smiled. 

He smiled back at her. "I'm Stephen. Why don't I buy you a drink?"

Minutes later, Cara had all the guys over at the bar, drunk and yelling out conspiracy theories and crazy stories about how to kill people without getting caught. Eventually, they added Stephen to the band roster, even though at the time, he had no musical talents. He picked the keyboard up and mastered it in a week.


Present Time

"You know, I never would have guessed that you would have picked up a chair and came to sit next to someone purposely like EVER." Cara looked at him and grinned. He blushed a bit. 

"yeah, well. Y'know. You're different" he chuckled and took a sip of his beer. She leaned her head over and placed it on his shoulder. He softened and relaxed his muscles so she was comfy. He leaned over and talked to her, his breath catching through her hair. She could have fainted from it all. "You alright?" he asked.

"Now I am" she replied. He kissed her forehead lightly and took another sip of beer. 

Marilyn walked over to the table. "Hey ladies. Let's ALL start drinking and have a good ole fashioned Manson Family party in this shit" he stumbled and almost fell on the table. 

"I think you're already there, bro" Pogo laughed. 

Twiggy walked over pulling Ginger along. "Come on! Shots! shots! shots! shots shots shots! shots! shots! shots! shot shots! EVERYBODY!" he yelled.

Courtney rolled her eyes and in through the door came Zim and Renee.

"How was you two lovebirds night, hmmm?" Courtney questioned them. 

"It was ahmazing!" Renee grinned. Zim flipped his hair outta his face and smiled. 

"You know, I think you're too quiet." Cara joked with him.

Everyone sat around in the floor in front of the coffee table and plays chandeliers. By the end of the night. Or morning rather, (it was 11 am by the time they finally conked out) Pogo and Cara were in Marilyn's bed together with Marilyn alone on the other side of the bed. Twiggy and Courtney were on the couch kinda out in the open, Ginger was in front of the fridge passed out. 

Renee and Zim laid on a pallet in the floor together, holding hands. Barely awake, Zim whispers, "Tonight was fabulous. Unlike anything I've ever felt in my life. Why didn't you come to me sooner?" he asked Renee, his forehead against hers and his breath unsteady. Renee swallowed. 

"I didn't think that anything this amazing could have ever happened..." she told him, honestly.

"Neither did I" he whispered as he closed his eyes and finally passed out. 

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