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Jared was freaking out, Davey was speechless, I was cringing, and Dad was loving this.

"Well, I wouldn't use the term genius..." he gave a humble shrug.

I snorted. "It's just 'cause they haven't gotten to know you yet."

Dad shot me a dirty look, but his easy smile slipped back to his face when Jared turned back to him.

"I absolutely would," said Jared. "Call Back Later was the album that made me want to learn guitar."

Dad's eyes lit up. "Oh, me too-- our original guitarist had quit, so when Ted joined us, he made me wish I wasn't stuck behind a drum set for once. He was incredible." Dad turned to Davey. "That must mean you're the drummer?"

Davey stood, frozen.

"Claire tells me you're very talented," Dad said, reaching out to shake his hand. Davey took it, still at a loss for words.

"I'd love to hear you play."

"That'd be.... incredible," Davey choked out, shaking Dad's hand with wide eyes.

"Well, make yourselves at home!" Dad waved at the studio. "I'm going to go make some coffee. Great to meet you all!" He disappeared, leaving me with the aftermath.

The guys both turned to me, eyes wide-- Jared's with elation and Davey's with panic.

"How did you keep this a secret for so long? Is he still playing and touring? Do you like, hang out with the band all the time? Wait," Jared stopped and looked at me. "Do you know, like, tons more famous people?"

I ignored Jared and turned to Davey.

"You alright?"

He looked at me and nodded slowly.

I suppressed a smile. "You never told me you liked The Staines."

"Ree-- uh, your dad." Davey cleared his throat. "He's one of my biggest inspirations."

I watched him, suddenly very glad I'd decided to open up more to them. I should a long time ago. My voice was quiet. "I didn't know he was such a big deal to you."

He shrugged. "It never came up."

"Yeah, well, I guess I actively avoid the topic."

Jared folded his arms over his chest. "You know, you could've warned us--"

"--Oh hey, before you come over, just so you know, my dad's famous, don't let it freak you out." I shrugged. "You would've believed me?"

He shook his head. "I don't know, probably not? But still."

I snorted. "Well, I'll remember it for next time." I sank into one of Dad's leather chairs. "Well, he's given us free reign of the studio instruments. So," I spread my hands, "Go crazy."

It took Davey about an hour to relax around Dad-- which was amusing because Dad's personality was so disarming. And I could finally enjoy the humor in the situation because Jared had entirely forgiven me, judging by the way he'd warmed up to Dad.

"You were signed to BAY, right? How'd you guys get your record deal?"

"Oh, it was messy, I can tell you that much. And BAY wasn't our first. Claire was two when we got signed with BAY. I remember because I was changing her diaper when we got the call..."

Oh good Lord.

"Let's stay on topic, now, y'all. Music is why we're here, yeah?" I called over from the corner, where I was playing around with a keytar I'd had my eye on for a while.

"No way. Tell us embarrassing stories about Claire!"

I groaned. "Guys...."

Jared turned to me. "That's what you get for keeping Reese a secret for two years!"

Dad grinned like a cheshire cat. "Well, there was this one time..."

I rolled my eyes and stood. I wasn't going to hang around for this. While Dad kept the guys entertained with stories about touring the world and the time Michael Jackson borrowed his socks, I slipped out to throw some frozen pizzas in the oven. I switched on the TV while I shuffled around in the kitchen, surprised to find it on the news channel.

They were talking about elections again. I was about to change the channel when the topic shifted in a direction that piqued my interest.

"Mayor Platt has declared war on graffiti, but it looks like the artists are fighting back. One artist in particular left Platt a message last night."

I stopped what I was doing, pizzas half wrapped in cellophane forgotten on the counter as I stared at the screen.

"Graffiti artist Casanova, who has been silent for over a year, has taken it upon himself to respond to Platt's declaration. You may recognize his work, as he's done quite a few of the city's most well-known pieces such as Space Lovers, Time Machine, and Lady Luck." The pictures of each piece flashed up on the screen as the news anchor spoke.

"According to Mayor Platt, Casanova alone is responsible for thousands of dollars of property defacement and damage. But the statistics don't seem to be stopping Casanova. Last night, he left yet another piece-- this time, on Mayor Platt's home."

My eyebrows shot up. I thought they were referring to the cartoon Casanova had painted of Platt being chomped on by Sirena's dragon. He painted on Platt's home?

But when the picture flashed up on the screen of Casanova's newest "property defacement", I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Casanova had painted something alright. But he'd painted the words in moss.

Maybe I'll grow on you.


I shook my head, knowing it shouldn't be funny but it totally was. If I were keeping score, that'd be a point for Casanova.

And in my scorebook, that put him in the lead.

Platt VS Cas-- is this a fair fight? Hit the star and let me know what you think in the comments! <3

Chapter song is This Head I Hold by Electric Guest :)

Graffiti CasanovaWhere stories live. Discover now