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"Primrose Everdeen!" Effie Trinket calls out.

A twelve year old girl with long blonde hair shakily makes her way to the stage.

"Do we have any volunteers?" Effie asks when Primrose is standing next to her. The town square is filled with silence. "On to the boys then."

A girl with long brown hair slumps to the ground in the sixteen year old section as her sister stares at her from the stage, her eyes filled with fear. 'No!' she thinks over and over again 'No, you can't go, Prim!'. Katniss Everdeen sits on the ground, torturing herself by wishing she hadn't been so stunned, wishing she could have spoken the words "I volunteer" before it was too late.

"Peeta Mellark!" Effie calls out in her bubbly Capitol accent.

Primrose watches, still shaking with terror and nerves, as the baker's son climbs onto the stage and stands next to her.

"There you have it. This year's tributes from district twelve." Effie says excitedly. "Now shake hands you two."

Katniss watches as Peeta shakes her sister's hand before both he and Prim are ushered into the justice building.


"Prim, I'm so sorry! I wanted to volunteer but I was just too stunned to get the words out! It's all my fault!" Katniss cries, hugging her sister as soon as the peacekeepers allow her to enter.

"Katniss, it's fine. I'd rather I go in anyway." Prim says, rather unconvincingly as she's still shaking.

"But, it's my fault. If you die I'll never be able to live with myself." Katniss says, showing more emotion than she would usually permit.

"So tell me how to survive. What do I do?" Primrose asks desperately.

"I... Prim I don't know. Learn as much as you can in training, practice using weapons, but also practice recognizing plants. Both could save your life in the arena. Um... also, because you are so young, you're going to need allies, but make sure you can trust them." Katniss says, talking as fast as she can, knowing that she only has a limited amount of time with her sister left.

"Okay, I will. I love you! Mom, I love you too!" Primrose cries, pulling her mother and sister into a hug that is only interrupted by the peacekeepers, forcing Katniss and her mother out of the room.


"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one"

Katniss is glued to her television as the gong sounds. She watches as her little sister runs straight into the bloodbath.

"No! What are you doing?" She cries, watching in horror as Primrose grabs a black backpack from the cornucopia and takes off in the other direction, but breathes a sigh of relief when she makes it safely into the woods.


Primrose watches as her ally, Sapphire, builds a fire, and silently praises herself for surviving the bloodbath.

All of a sudden, there's a spark, and Sapphire soon has a small fire going. Primrose and Sapphire curl up by the fire, and both fall asleep, only to be woken a few hours later by the sound of people running, and shouting in glee.

"Look, smoke!" A voice that is all to familiar to Prim shouts.

Primrose realizes that Sapphire is still asleep and tries to shake her awake. She soon realizes that this is futile and gets up, slinging her backpack over her shoulder, and takes off in a direction away from the sound of the approaching careers.

Primrose winces as she hears a blood-curdling scream that can only belong to her ally from district eight.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Primrose looks up to see the girl from district two watching her with a smirk, and takes off running, though it takes the career girl only a moment to tackle her.

"I caught another one!!!" She screams.

Soon the other careers are gathered around innocent little Primrose.

"Should we make it quick or have some fun?" The boy from district two grins evilly.

"I say we get it over with, see if we can find anyone else out here." The girl from district one says.

"Right then. Lights out, little girl." And with that, the boy from district two buries his sword in Prim's chest, and her cannon sounds.

At home in district twelve, a heart broken Katniss sobs onto her mother's shoulder, the only thing she ever really cared about in the world is now gone, leaving her alone and broken in a cruel reality.

*26 years later*

The Capitol anthem plays and president Corelaina Snow takes the stage, followed by a young girl in a white dress who is holding a simple wooden box.

Corelaina describes the dark days in great detail before going on to tell everyone what happened in the previous quarter quells.

"On the twenty-fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that their children were dying because of their choice to initiate violence, every district was made to hold an election and vote on the tributes who would represent it." Corelaina says. "On the fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder that two rebels died for every Capitol citizen, every district was required to send twice as many tributes."

"On the seventy-fifth anniversary," The president continues, "As a reminder to the rebels that even the strongest among them cannot overcome the power of the Capitol, each district was made to offer up one male and female victor to compete in the games."

"And now we honor our fourth quarter quell." President Snow says.

The little girl in white steps forward, holding out the box as she opens the lid, revealing the tidy rows of yellow envelopes. Corelaina retrieves the envelope clearly marked with the number 100, and without hesitation, she runs her finger under the flap and pulls out a slip of old, crinkled and yellowing paper.

"As a reminder to the rebels of the multitude of innocent lives lost, there will be twelve tributes reaped from each district, and seven hunger games will take place this year, six of which will be considered mini games. Each of the mini games will consist of the tributes from two districts that will be partnered at random, four tributes may win each of these mini games, and the level of danger will increase in each mini games arena. After all the mini games have taken place, the victors will then participate in a full games where there will be only one winner." The president says. She must understand how confusing this sounds, for she continues. "In recap, twelve tributes will be reaped from each district, and every district will be partnered with another for their mini games. There will be six mini games, and four victors will emerge from each, leaving us with twenty four victors who will then enter a full games where only one can win."

*One Month Later*

President Corelaina takes the stage, once agin surrounded by cameras, to announce the partnerships of the districts.

She begins by retelling the twist for the fourth quarter quell, then starts to list off the mini games partnerships.

"For the first mini games, twelve tributes from districts three and seven will fight to the death. In the second games, the tributes from districts nine and twelve will compete. The third mini games will consist of tributes from districts one and eleven, and the fourth from districts four and eight. For the fifth mini games, districts five and ten will be partnered, and for the sixth games, districts two and six will be partnered. The reapings will take place one month from today." Corelaina finishes.

100th Hunger GamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora