Chapter 9

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Willow Mason's POV:

"Looks like she wasn't lying." I comment as the insane girl from District Three's score is broadcasted. "A nine is pretty good."

Rayna nods knowingly, but says nothing as she continues to watch the training scores flash on the screen.

"Trevor Minx, from District Three, with a score of... Five." Elody babbles endlessly about each tribute, making the process a lot longer than it needs to be. "And... Trapp Javar, also from Three, with a score of... Three."

We all sit, crammed onto two couches, restlessly, as we wait for the district seven scores to come up. Elody is known for taking her time.

"And now on to our lovely District Seven tributes!" Elody exclaims excitedly. There are murmurs of 'finally' from around the room. "First we have Oak Billow, with an impressive score of... Eight."

"That's really good, we should ask her to join our alliance." Rayna whispers to me. I nod, watching Oak grinning with pride across the room.

"Next we have Will Baxter, with a score of six, and Hunter Tresses with a score of seven." Elody says, now speaking at least a little faster. "Winter Forest, from district seven, with a score of..."

I look to Winter next to me, who closes her eyes and holds her breath. "Seven" There's a sigh of relief next to me, and I give Winter a thumbs up.

"Now, lets move on to Rebecca Ginger, from Seven. Oh I simply adored her chariot costume. Now lets see, she's scored a... five." Elody says brightly. "Next we have Rayna Lamoure, with a score of... nine. That is quite impressive, especially for a tribute from an outlining district. I'd put my money on her."

Rayna and I exchange an excited glance. She's scored incredibly well, better than we could have hoped for. It seems our alliance is going to be extremely powerful.

"That's an amazing score, Rayna! What did you do?" I ask.

"I threw a few axes around, ran the agility course, and did a bit of knife throwing." Rayna shrugs.

"Well you obviously impressed the gamemakers." I say. Rayna smiles at this. Suddenly, I hear my names and look up.

"Willow Mason, with a score of... seven. We've been seeing some very unusually high scores from both districts, this should prove to be an interesting few games." Elody comments.

"Not bad." I nod.

"It's great, Willow. The careers are going to be jealous. Our group is going to blow everyone off the map." Rayna smirks.

"We are the careers this time, remember?" I say with a small laugh. We may actually have a chance at surviving the mini games, at least.

After the broadcast ends, there's nothing left to do, so everyone starts heading to bed, except me, Rayna, and Winter, who wait to intercept Oak on her way to her room. Oak is the last to leave, but when she heads to bed, we follow her. When she reaches her door, Rayna runs in front of her, putting her hands on both sides of the door frame to stop Oak from entering her room.

"Hello?" Oak asks, pausing and looking around at all of us.

"Hi, Oak." Rayna smiles awkwardly. "Look, we all want to get to bed, so I'm just going to get to the point; we want you to join our alliance."

Oak hesitates, glancing at Winter and I behind her. "Why?"

"We're the strongest tributes from our district, we would be a very powerful group, and we'd have a better chance at surviving the mini games together than we would on our own." I say from behind.

"Just for the mini games?" Oak asks, her volume rising.

"If you want."

"Okay, I'm in."


"Breakfast!" Genevieve calls through my door, knocking heavily.

"I'll be out in a minute, thank you!" I call back. The knocking stops, and I hear her heels clicking on the floor down the hall.

I sit up slowly, my head spinning, and get out of bed. I walk over to the closet, and program it for something comfortable, then I head to the bathroom to quickly change into the loose clothes, and brush my hair.

I emerge from my room a few minutes later and head to the dining room to find a breakfast buffet set up on a long board, a few tributes buzzing around it.

"Can I serve myself?" I ask. A young looking man dressed in white nods silently, and I head over to the food, picking up a plate and loading it with pancakes, sausages and fresh fruit. I also grab a cup of orange juice, which I have discovered that I love, it's a nice break from pine needle tea anyway.

I take a seat at the long table, and save the one next to me for Rayna, who enters the room a few minutes later.

Once everyone has their food, Rayna's older brother, Max, who's now the mentor for the male tributes from seven, speaks up.

"Alright, everyone, as you all know, the interviews are tomorrow, and they can either help, or destroy your chances in the games, so it's very important that you are prepared for your interview." He says. "So today, we'll be helping each of you find your angle."

"Right." Marie, the female mentor says, now taking over. "And as far as stage presence, Lyra, District nine's escort, will be visiting to help the girls, an Genevieve will be helping the boys. We'll be getting started right after breakfast." There's a wave of nods from around the table, and the topic of conversation returns to the weather and the food.

After breakfast, Lyra arrives on the seventh floor and the boys and girls are split up. Half of the girls go with Marie, the other half goes with Lyra, the same for the boys but with Max and Genevieve. Rayna, Winter, and Oak get sent with Marie, while I get sent with Lyra. Lucky me.

Lyra seems like she's fairly nice, but is bubbly and eccentric as all Capitol citizens are. She lines us all up and hands us each a puffy neon dress, and extremely high heels, then sends us to change. Once we all return, she has us practice walking in the heels, and "strutting our stuff". After that we work on our smiles and saying odd lines while smiling.

When the hour is up, she sends us back to the dining room to meet with Marie, who sends us to our rooms, and calls us out one by one to go over our plans for the interview. I am the last to be called out, after Phoenix, who tells me that I'm next after knocking on my door.

After an hour of talking with Marie, we come to the conclusion that the angle I should use in my interview is sweet and innocent. That way, when I show them what I can do in the arena, they'll be shocked and amused, hopefully enough to sponsor me.

After Marie and I have finished talking, she says that I can return to my room, or wander as I please, and that dinner will be in an hour. I nod and head down the hall.

Since we have a while to go until dinner, I head to Rayna's room, where Winter, Oak, and Rayna are sitting on the bed.

"Sit down, we were just talking about coming to get you." Oak smiles warmly. I join them on the bed.

"We were thinking that we should make a plan for the arena tonight, as we won't have much time to talk after the interviews tomorrow, and we'll be with our prep teams and stylists for the rest of the day." Rayna says, sitting up.

"Okay, what were you thinking?" I ask.

"We don't know if many other people will risk running to the mouth of the cornucopia, so since we're such a powerful group, we thought we should dive into the blood bath, as much as we hate it, we don't have much of a choice as to whether we kill. Its us or them. What do you think?" Rayna asks. Its a horrifying thought, but I don't see any alternative.

"Okay. We'll dive into the bloodbath." I agree.

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