Chapter 17

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Willow Mason's POV:

Leaves rustle around the clearing and I know that the other tributes are here. Just as the sun aligns itself in the center of the sky, a table rises from the ground directly in front of the mouth of the cornucopia, a single glass vial lays atop it.
Rayna gives me the signal and we all rush out of the cornucopia just as two boys run towards the table from the outline of the clearing. I dart out and close my hand around the vial containing a brown substance and run back into the depths of supplies, finding Oak.
Just as I'm trying to pop the top off of the vial, I'm tackled to the ground.

"You're supposed to be dead!" The crazy girl from three screams as she flips me over and tries to wrestle the vial of antidote out of my hands.

"So is your ally!" I scream back, wondering where my allies are, they were supposed to guard me.

"Willow!" I hear Rayna scream and I know that she's too far away.

The girl beside me pulls out her blade just as two cannons sound, one after the other. I struggle to pry the insane girl off of me, and suddenly, she's all but thrown out of the cornucopia all together. One of the boys that I saw running this way, Hunter I think is his name, appears above me. He pulls the vial from my grasp easily, and he's too strong for me to pull it back.

"I'll take that." He says, out of breath, and runs out of sight.

I curse him under my breath and get to my feet quickly, pulling an ax from the pile of supplies nearest me. Another cannon sounds.

Alicia Mayfield's POV:

I get to my feet angrily, and spot the boy who threw me off of that bratty seven girl. I recognize him as one of Copper's allies, and I run after him with my dagger raised. So, Copper must be the one that's poisoned. I laugh as I run towards the boy's retreating back. I have to make sure that he doesn't get the antidote so that my sister will be out of the games.

I catch up to him just as he's about to run back into the woods, and tackle him to the ground.

"I don't think so." I say, yanking the antidote out of his grip.

I get to my feet and run away, intending to smash the vial so that no one can save their ally, when I feel a sudden sharp pain in my back. I turn to find that the girl from seven has thrown an ax at me, and it's stuck in my lower back.

Will Baxter's POV:

"I lost it!" Hunter calls.

"Don't worry, I'll get it back!" I call back, helping him to his feet before running after Copper's insane sister, who's just taken an ax to the back.

I jump over her as she falls and pry the tiny vial of antidote from her hands.

"Go, go!" I motion like crazy for Hunter to take off back into the woods.

I take off running myself, and suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder that forcefully turns me around. Rayna stands in front of me, and we grapple for the vial until I'm able to break away and disappear into the woods. I manage to make it back to where Hunter and Peck are waiting with Copper still passed out. I hand the vial to Hunter, who forces Copper's mouth open, then pops the lid off and pours the contents into it.

Rayna Lamoure's POV:

I chase after the boy who I recognize to be from District Seven. I run through the trees until two cannons sound simultaneously, and I know that it's too late, that his ally got the antidote, and that Oak is dead.

I curse the boy under my breath and return to the cornucopia, my heart heavy. It's just Willow and I now.

"When did she die?" I find Willow sitting beside Phoenix's body.

"Right as you ran back to Oak. It was that crazy District Three girl." I say, avoiding looking at her body.

"We should probably get her and Oak out of here so that they can retrieve the bodies." Willow suggests quietly, her eyes downcast.

I nod in agreement, and we work together to haul them both out into the open where the bodies of two tributes from three lay as well.


Willow and I sit in the mouth of the cornucopia as darkness slowly consumes the scene around us. The Capitol anthem begins to play, and the faces of the many dead tributes flash in the sky.

Matrix - 3
Trevor - 3
Electa - 3
Weery - 3
Whether - 3
Trigger - 3
Winter - 7
Fir - 7
Axel - 7
Oak - 7
Phoenix - 7

The anthem finishes and the light fades from the night sky.

"I guess she's still alive then." Willow says darkly. "That girl from three who I threw my ax at..."

"I guess so." I nod. "That's not good for us."

"It's down to the final seven, now though." Willow says. "Only three more have to die."

AN: This chapter is slightly shorter, but it has a lot of action in it. There is only going to be one more chapter where they are in the arena for the first mini games. I'll post the next one on Saturday. Thank you so much for reading, remember to vote and comment feedback.

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