Chapter 2

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Copper Mayfield's POV: (District Three)

"We're home!" My father calls out, his voice echoing throughout the small metal house as he and my oldest sister, Amara, enter through the front door.

"Dad!" My little sister, Rosalie calls out, dropping her school books and running into the arms of my father.

"Hello, Rosalie." My dad says, a smile dawning on his tired face. "How was school?"

"The usual. We learned about the dark days and how we're all going to work in the boring old factories one day, making technology for the Capitol." Rosalie rolls her eyes.

"Hey!" My dad teases. "You know that's where your sister and I have just come from."

Rosalie winks at him and skips away, picking up her school books. She is being rather cheerful today, considering the reaping is tomorrow and she will be eligible for the first time in her life, to be shipped off to the Capitol and die for entertainment.

Shortly after my father and sister's return, we eat a meager dinner consisting of tough bread, and a stew made with fish and greens that I collected from the market earlier today.

After dinner, I return to the small room that I share with my two older sisters, Amara and Alicia, and lay down on my lumpy bed, pulling out some blueprints I've been working on for a tech bracelet of my own invention. Suddenly, the bedroom door flies open and my sisters enter the room.

"Put it away, will you? We're not in school." My sister, Amara, says.

I ignore her. I'm used to being picked on by my sisters by now. I'm the middle child, the one my parents usually forget, the one my sisters push around because my parents don't often care.

"What's wrong, Copper? Worried about tomorrow? I hope you get reaped. We'd be rid of you." Alicia laughs.

"You realize that if I died in the games you would be the middle child." I mutter.

"Doesn't matter. Mom and dad actually care about me." Alicia says quickly.

I let out a sigh, knowing that this is an argument I'll never win, and store my blueprints back under my bed before pulling the covers over my head to drown out my sisters. It takes a while, but I eventually fall asleep.

*next day*

It's early afternoon when my mother calls out for me to wake. I roll over, wrapping the cool blankets around my head to drown her out, knowing that if I get up, I'll have to face the reality of the reaping, and the possibility that I may be unlucky enough as to be forced to take part in the fourth quarter quell. This can't last long, as I've already slept in, but I enjoy living in my thoughts for the moment.

"Copper, you've already slept in. Get up." My mother says tiredly upon entering my room.

I let out a sigh and sit up, stretching and shaking off my drowsiness. My mother offers me a sad smile before exiting the room so that I can dress in my reaping clothes; a long, worn gray skirt and a white lace blouse.

"Wow, you look nice for a change." My older sister, Alicia, says when we've all dressed.

"Alicia, be kind to your sister on today of all days." My father scolds. That's strange, he usually doesn't defend me. Oh well, I suppose we all feel a little bit closer today.

"Yes, father." Alicia says sweetly before shooting me a death glare when my father isn't looking.

At one o' clock, my five sisters that are eligible for the reaping and I make our way down to the town square and sign in before standing in our individual age groups.

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