Chapter 6

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Peck Mathews POV: (district seven)

As soon as my head hits the pillow I know that I won't be getting much sleep tonight. One thought runs through my head; 'will it be enough to train?'. I've always been clumsy and uncoordinated, and today I showed just how uncoordinated I am in training by dropping a weight on my foot and almost getting speared when I tripped and managed to catch my balance in front of a dummy just as someone was getting a spear throwing lesson.

I try to convince myself that I can just hide out during the mini games until I'm one of the last four tributes standing, but I know I will most likely trip on my pedestal and get blown to bits before I even get the chance to hide, before the games even start.

I roll over and cover my head with my pillow. Why did I volunteer? At this point, my little sister, Rose, would have a better chance at winning than I do. No. I know this isn't true, neither of us would have much of a chance, and if one of us has to die I'd rather it be me than my innocent, twelve year old sister. I can't help but wonder, though, what will happen to her when I'm gone? It's always just been the two of us, as our our mother died giving birth to Rose, and our father died of starvation a few years later. What will the children's home turn her into?

I sigh and roll over again, uncovering my head, pushing these thoughts away and instead thinking about tomorrow, when I'll have another chance to embarrass myself. I'm no good with any weapon, as far as I know, and all I managed to do today was live through training, and it was only the first day. A feeling of hopelessness washes over me and I find myself picturing all the horrible ways I could die in the arena, stabbed to death, tripping on my platform and being blown to bits, freezing to death, falling out of a tree, the possibilities are endless and gruesome.

'No, don't think like that. You're not in the games yet, focus on what you have to do right now. Sleep. You have to sleep so you can be ready for training tomorrow.' I say this to myself over and over again until my worries eventually fade away, and fatigue overcomes me.

My body shakes with nerves as my pedestal moves upward through the dark. I try to mentally prepare myself to face the arena, and my fellow tributes, but before I know it, light floods my vision and the sixty-second countdown has begun.

I turn my attention to the cornucopia, that's filled to the brim with life prolonging supplies. I set my sights on a backpack that could at least keep me alive for a few days, and when the gong goes off, I run towards it.

I manage to grab the bright red backpack and immediately take off towards the woods, hoping that the thin trees may offer some protection, but end of tripping on a rock halfway there and fall, spewing the contents of my pack all over the ground.  I knew my clumsiness would kick in.

I hurriedly shove everything back into the pack and push myself to my feet, but find my self surrounded by ALL of the other district seven tributes.

"Peck Mathews." A blonde girl that I recognize from school says.
I try to run, to push past the circle of tributes, but they push me back.

"None of us ever liked you." A boy with red hair says.
"And now," They all say together, "We can get rid of you."
Then, they attack, and I feel like I'm floating, away from my body, away from the arena, and suddenly, I'm in the children's home in district seven, and I see Rose watching the screen intently.
Suddenly, an ear piercing scream fills the room.

"No!!" I hear her scream. "No Peck!! You promised you'd come back to me!! Don't leave me here alone!! Peck please!!"
Then two women drag her out of the room, and I wake up

I sit bolt upright in bed, my little sister's screams still echoing in my mind. A knock on my door makes me jump, but I relax when I hear Genevieve's voice telling me to wake up.

"I'm awake, thank you!" I call.

"Alright, dear. Breakfast's in an hour, then its off to your second day of training!" Genevieve exclaims in her bubbly Capitol accent.

I push the soft bedspread and sheets off of me, and stand. I take a quick shower to wash the sweat from my body before programming the closet for some clothes to my taste. I then dress, and prepare to face the people who killed me in my dream.

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