Chapter 18

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Alicia Mayfield's POV:

I shake violently as I crawl through the woods. The ax is no longer in my back, but I know that I have to wrap the wound and kill three more people quickly so that I don't die before I can be healed in the Capitol.

I come to a stop in a kneeling position under a tree and rip my jacket off, only to tie it around my wound strategically. It'll have to do for now. I lost my dagger in the fight, and my pack split in half when the ax landed in my back, the contents pouring out onto the ground as I fled.

Panting, I keep crawling. I hear talking in the distance and know that I must be near Copper's alliance, because the only other tributes are at the cornucopia. My mind whirs as I try to come up with a way that I can attack them in my state and without any weapons.

I pull my pack that's split open off of my back and fish through the remaining contents. I grin as I find a broken arrow that was shot into my pack when I first fought Copper's alliance, and pull the piece that has the sharp end on it out. This may actually work.

Slowly and painfully, I get to my feet and brace myself against the trunk of a tree. I've got to do this fast, I know. I trudge through the trees towards the noise, not caring in the slightest about how much noise I make on my shaky legs.

Copper Mayfield's POV:

My eyes blink open slowly to find three figures hovering over me.

"How do you feel?" Peck asks. I groan in response and Hunter elbows Peck in the gut. "Hey!"

"She's been poisoned, how do you think she feels?" Hunter says.

I close my eyes again, feeling dizzy. "What was I thinking?" I mutter.

"What do you mean, it's not your fault you were poisoned." Will speaks up.

"Yes it is, I volunteered to be here." I reply quietly.

"Well there's nothing you can do about it now, so let's just work on getting out of here." Will says comfortingly.

I nod and sit up slowly, rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes. Peck and Hunter get to their feet, still bickering back and forth. Will begins to rewrap my wrist, when a cannon sounds out of nowhere.

I look around just in time to see Peck fall to the ground. I guess that's my sister's version of a dramatic entrance.

Hunter rushes Alicia and knocks her off her feet. She groans, and I know that she's injured. They grapple on the ground, rolling around and trying to stab each other.

Will lifts me into his arms and take off running through the trees as Hunter motions for him to. Another cannon sounds, but who's is it?

Willow Mason's POV:

"Let's get going, three more tributes have to die before we can get out of this place." Rayna says. I nod, and sling my pack over my shoulder, clutching my ax that's still splattered with blood tightly.

We begin walking towards the woods, and a cannon sounds all of a sudden. We stop in our tracks on the edge of the clearing. Another cannon sounds a few seconds later.

"Sounds like someone's doing it for us." Rayna says.

"Three guesses who it is." I nod.

A third canon sounds, about a minute later, and trumpets sound throughout the arena.

"Congratulations to our final four tributes, the Victors of the first mini games: Copper Mayfield, Will Baxter, Rayna Lamoure, and Willow Mason." Mavis Templesmith's voice echoes around us.

A tear slides down my face, and turn to give Rayna a hug, but find that there's an invisible barrier separating us.

"Soon." Rayna smiles.

A hovercraft appears above us, and a ladder falls to the ground in front of us. I step on to it first, as it's closer to me, and am immediately frozen in place by an electric current. The ladder is hauled up into the hovercraft, and I move off of it as soon as the current dissipates, then it's sent down to retrieve Rayna.

I breath a sigh of relief and sit down on a metal seat. It's over, for now at least. The other two surviving tributes are hauled up soon after, and the girl is sobbing furiously.

"It's okay Copper." The boy beside her tries to soothe her.

"No it's not okay. I killed my own sister, what will I tell my family?" She sobs.

Suddenly, my happiness at this so called 'victory' evaporates as I remember that this is what the games do to people. I turn to Rayna as more tears begin to stream down my face, thinking of all the people I killed.

She looks at me with a similar expression on her face and pulls me into a hug. I didn't have much time to process what I was doing in the games, but I know that I'll never be the same. The games will haunt me for the rest of my life, however long that may be as I still have to full games to worry about. How will I ever be able to watch the replay of the mini games in this state?

AN: Sorry that I missed a week, but I was in more of a Harry Potter mood. Anyway, from now on I'm going to try and update once a week at least, maybe more as I've recently gotten really into this story again. Next update is definitely coming on Thursday though. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, remember to vote and comment feedback. Thanks for reading!

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