Chapter 16

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Alicia Mayfield's POV:

"Congratulations, tributes, for surviving through the night." Mavis Templesmith's voice rings throughout the arena unexpectedly. "Now, as you may have noticed, one tribute from each alliance has fallen unconscious. They have been poisoned, and there is only one antidote. It will be placed at the Cornucopia at exactly noon. The tribute who receives the antidote will be saved, and the rest will die. I expect you all to rise to the challenge."

I can't help but let out a laugh as the announcement is finished and Mavis' voice fades. Not only do I not have to worry about protecting an ally, but almost all of the tributes will be gathered in one place. I grin, and promise myself that more than just the poisoned tributes will die today.

I stop at a small creek and fill up my water bottle as I begin to plan my attack. I mentally go over the path back to the cornucopia from the area where I've been resting for the past few hours. I know that noon is not all that far away, and it will take a while to get back there, so I clutch my dagger tightly to my side and slip my water bottle back into my pack after taking a drink.

This may very well be both the second, and last day in the mini games arena. I hope that it is, as I haven't eaten much since the beginning of the games. I get to my feet and make my way through the woods towards the cornucopia. Suddenly, there's a ruffling of leaves to my left. I move quickly and quietly behind a tree and raise my dagger, but I don't hear anything else, so I blame the breeze and continue on my way.

Trigger Zenia's POV: (District 3)

"Poisoned?" Weery asks, directing her question angrily at the sky that, of course, doesn't answer.

"It's okay, it'll be fine. We just have to get the antidote." I say soothingly, though I feel like vomiting just from the thought of a fight that will draw so many tributes in.

"Oh, we just have to get it huh? Are you crazy? We don't stand a chance against those maniac girls from District Seven!" Weery exclaims in frustration.

"Sh!" I whisper fiercely, covering her mouth with my hand. "You're just telling everyone where we are."

Weery calms a bit, and lets out a sigh as she lays down on the dirt.

"I can't just watch her die, but," She says, quietly. "if we go after the antidote..."

"Like you said, we can't just watch her die. She's our friend, and the odds may not be in our favor but we have to at least try." I reply, looking down at the poisoned Whether.

"You're right." Weery agrees, getting to her feet. "I imagine it's almost noon, we should get going."

We take the time to cover Whether with fallen leaves in an attempt to hide her from anyone else walking by, not that it matters if we don't come back. We walk silently through the woods now, until a twig snaps to the right of us, and we shuffle behind a tree, grimacing as leaves crunch at our feet. We may die before we even reach the cornucopia if there's a tribute or even an animal over there.

Eventually, whatever it is moves on and we breathe a sigh of relief before continuing on our way.

Will Baxter's POV:

"So she's not dead?" Peck asks, his eyes still wide.

"Not yet," I mutter. "but we need that antidote if we want to keep her alive."

"That's exactly why we need to get going." Hunter says hurriedly. "Peck, you stay here and guard her. Make sure she's still stable too, I'm not sure how long we have until the poison kills its victims."

Peck nods without argument and settles down beside Copper on the ground, clutching the small knife that he snagged during the bloodbath.

"Will, leave everything but your weapons here. Peck will watch the bags, and they'll give him something to go on if we don't come back." Hunter instructs seriously.

I nod and shrug my pack off of my shoulders, setting it down next to Peck.

"The first aid kit is in my pack, if you need to rewrap her wrist, or anything..." I trail off, gesturing to the black bag on the ground.

Peck nods at me nervously, and then Hunter and I set out towards the cornucopia.

Willow Mason's POV:

"We have to have a plan, almost every tribute will be coming this way within the next five minutes, and we have to be the ones to get the antidote." Rayna says this all very quickly as she, Phoenix, and I huddle together.

"We need to make sure that Oak is safe from everything but the poison first, we should move her to the very back of the cornucopia." I suggest.

Rayna nods, and we all work to move Oak out of view and into the depths of the cornucopia.

"Now, what's the plan?" Phoenix asks. "Where are we going to be when they all get here, and what's our plane to get the antidote?"

"I say we hide in the cornucopia too, not as far back, but enough so that we can't be seen from anyone entering the clearing. One of us should dart out to to grab the antidote, and the other two can fight off the other tributes while the first person rushes the antidote to Oak." I suggest. "We have an advantage; having the cornucopia, right? We might as well use it."

Rayna thinks for a moment, then nods. "You grab the antidote, Willow. You're injured and I don't want you fighting. Just get it to Oak as fast as you can." She says. I nod without hesitation, and Rayna turns away from me. "Phoenix, you and I will fight. They'll be here any second, let's all get into position."

AN: Like I said, there's a lot of build up in this chapter. The next one will be completely action packed and exciting. I'll be posting it on Wednesday. I hope you enjoyed, remember to vote and comment feedback.

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