Chapter 13

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Copper Mayfield's POV:

The throbbing pain in my wrist worsens with every stride I take, the knife still in my death grip. My allies yell for me to run faster, to keep up, but I can't. I feel weak and dizzy, and I know that if I keep running that I'll faint.

"I need to stop!" I sputter, though I keep moving.

"We can't!" Hunter yells.

"Hunter, we'll have to eventually. I don't hear anyone following us, and we can't just run every time we hear a twig snap." Will points out, breathing heavily. "Plus, Copper doesn't look too good back there. We need to wrap her wrist."

"You're right." Hunter sighs, slowing down. "Let's find a place to make camp for the night, it's getting dark anyway."

I start to slow down, relief flooding through my veins and distracting me from the pain. Suddenly, someone breaks through the trees in front of us, and Hunter draws his blade.

"Whoa!" The district seven tribute says. "I'm just looking for water, there's a lake right over there."

He points behind us, but Hunter doesn't turn.

"Doesn't matter, it's the Hunger Games." Hunter says threateningly. The boy takes a step back, looking terrified.

Peck Mathews' POV:

"We're from the same district." I say shakily.

"There are twelve of us from District Seven, yet only four tributes can survive this mini games. In essence; it doesn't matter." He replies, advancing towards me.

I knew I wouldn't last long in the games but dying on the first night is pathetic. I take another step back before I run backwards, away from the crazy boy from my district and turn around to see where I'm going, only to run into a tree. Just my luck. I'm dead now.

Hunter catches up to me and tackles me to the ground, holding his blade an inch above my neck.

"Sorry," He shrugs. "This is just how it has to be."

I close my eyes as tight as I can, waiting for the blade to make contact with my skin.

"I'm sorry, Rose!" I call out, knowing my sister will watch this when she gets home from school. I can imagine her tears. My nightmare is coming true.

Hunter has just started to bring his blade down, leaving a cut on my neck and about to make it deeper when;

"Stop!" The girl from three screams. "He has someone to get home to just like the rest of us and with Rebecca gone there's only three of us so he may as well join us."

She says all this incredibly quickly, and Hunter raises his weapon reluctantly and offers me his hand.

Trevor Minx's POV:

I watch as Trapp's body is lifted up into the hovercraft and I growl in frustration. My only friend, the only ally I had in the games is gone, and it's all that seven girl's fault.

She took away my friend, my ally, and I will do the same to her, even if I die in the process.

I pick up the axe I pulled from Trapp's back, and make my way back towards the cornucopia, feet crunching the leaves beneath them, twigs snapping, practically inviting anyone nearby to confront me, and I welcome the thought.

Willow Mason's POV:

We split up the supplies, each of us getting a backpack, sleeping bag, a water bottle and a small supply of food, as well as whatever weapons we chose to use. We sit for a while, going through our backpacks and taking from other unclaimed backpacks to add to our own.

In my pack I find a small loaf of squished bread, a granola bar, a tin that contains twelve matches, about ten feet of rope, a small throwing knife, and another empty water bottle. I add a bottle of iodine and the rest of my supplies to the pack and then work on rationing the food we won't take in our packs.

After about an hour we have everything ready, and Rayna and Oak decide to go hunting while Winter and I stay at the cornucopia to guard the supplies. We wish each other well and they're on their way.

It's starting to get dark, and Winter offers to take the first watch. I set out my sleeping bag and climb in just as the Capitol Anthem begins to play. I turn to the sky, and watch as the faces roll by. As there are so many tributes from each district, a name is show along with a picture and district number.

There are six faces in the sky tonight.

Burl - 7
Reflection - 3
Zen - 3
Zane - 3
Rebecca - 7
Trapp - 3

The anthem fades, and Winter wipes away a tear.

"I can't believe we killed those people." She whispers, barely audibly.

Alicia Mayfield's POV:

After a while I get sick of roaming the woods, not having found any tributes so far, and decide to take a break from looking for my sister.

"I'm sick of this, let's go somewhere where we know there are tributes; the cornucopia. Those district seven girls are there and we might as well get them out of the way." I say.

"All right." Electa agrees. "But it's getting dark. I think we should wait a while until it's pitch black and then attack when they're tired and they least expect it."

"Good plan." I reply.


I watch the two girls in front of the cornucopia, one lays asleep, the other is on watch but is struggling to stay awake. Perfect.

"Let's sneak around the cornucopia." I suggest.

Electa nods, readying her knives as we move farther away from the girls, emerging from the other side and moving slowly around the side of the cornucopia until we get right behind them. I pull my dagger and the girl on watch barely has time to scream before I slit her throat and she falls to the ground, waking the other one who sits up, dazed until she sees her ally.

"Winter!" She yells, getting to her feet as the canon sounds. "No!"

I grab her by the shoulders and pull her against me, blade ready once again, until she elbows me in the gut and turns to punch me on the nose, wriggling out of my grasp. Undeterred I raise my blade, but she's already reached her axe and she brings it down hard against my shoulder blade.

I take one last swing at her with my dagger, catching her in the arm, before I retreat. She hasn't noticed Electa, though and she sneaks up behind the remaining seven girl, and throws three knives at once that stick in her back and she falls to the ground, dead.

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