Chapter 10

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Electa Terrace's POV:

"Rise and shine, darling. It's show day!" I wake to my prep team hovering over me. I groan and roll over, pulling the fluffy comforter over my head.

"Oh don't do that, Electa." Citria, a woman with thick orange hair and golden tattoos, says in a sickly sweet voice. "We need to get started, Zesta is expecting you at one."

My instincts tell me to stay in bed, to ignore the overly peppy trio above me, but I know that I have to be amazing in my interview if I want to have any chance of surviving the games, mini or full.

I roll out of bed, and in no time, my prep team has me soaking in the tub. After a fairly long bath, they move on to making my skin flawless and smooth, then they cover each of my perfectly rounded nails in a shimmery pink polish. My face is then covered in a thick creamy liquid, and Citria personally draws out my features, lining my eyes and lips, giving me rosy cheeks, making my entire face sparkle.

After what seems like a lifetime, I'm turned over to my stylist, Zesta, who styles my long bright blue hair, putting it up into a high bun, but curling a single strand that falls by the side of my face. She then covers me in a shimmery powder and 'helps' me dress. I'm then allowed to look at myself in the full length mirror.

I don't recognize myself as I stand in front of the glass mirror. Wearing a shimmery see through off white dress, with flawless skin, intricately styled hair, an perfectly shaped nails, I don't look anything like myself.

Trevor Minx's POV:

"Come on dear, lets get you down to the stage, they'll be lining up by now." Firva, my stylist says. I roll my eyes and pull myself away from the image in the mirror. The silver and black suit isn't bad compared to my robot chariot costume, but I'm wearing more makeup than I'd like to admit, than I'd ever like to see on myself again.

Firva leads me downtown the stage and leaves me 'in the capable hands of the Capitol assistants'. The second that I get the chance, I step out of line and walk over to my ally, and best friend, Trapp, who's been forced to wear a suit made out of wires.

"We're going for vulnerable?" He asks, giving me a sideways glance.

"Yeah, who cares what Macadi says, she doesn't know us, and I'm telling you this'll work out for us." I say.

"Alright." Trapp nods solemnly.

Oak Billow's POV:

I look around at my three new allies, all wearing an assortment of tree related dresses, not unlike my own sheer bark textured dress. Rayna and Willow nod confidently at each other, then turn to look at Winter and I.

"Remember, just play to the angle that you came up with Marie, and we should be fine." Rayna says fiercely. Winter and I nod.

Copper Mayfield's POV:

Alicia glares at me from ahead, nodding and whispering with her new ally, the girl with the electric blue hair that was reaped after I volunteered. I don't know how Alicia persuaded her to join her sick quest to kill me, but I do know that I have to play my angle just right in the interview, or I'm dead for sure.

Rebecca places a hand on my shoulder from behind and whispers "you'll be fine". I attempt to nod confidently, but apparently don't fool Rebecca. Alicia suddenly stops glaring at me as the Capitol anthem starts up, meaning the interviews are about to begin.

Peck Matthew's POV:

I wring my hands nervously as the curtains are drawn back on the stage, and Elody Bowen gives her usual speech. I take deep breaths, reminding myself of what Max and I decided on for my interview angle.

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