Chapter 15

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Elody Bowden's POV:

Mavis Templesmith sits beside me as we watch the games together, cameras trained on our faces.

"Well it looks like these games are heating up quickly," I comment as a cannon sounds in the arena. "first Winter Forest was killed by District three killers Alicia and Electa, and Willow Mason was injured in the same fight that ended her ally's life. Then the killers themselves were attacked by Trevor Minx from their own District, who wounded Electa Terrace with an ax to the back, then received a dagger to the stomach himself."

"Lets not forget Copper Mayfield who took a blade through the wrist just seconds after the gong rang out, beginning the bloodbath. She seems to be bleeding quite a lot, and without proper treatment she could get herself into a lot more trouble." Mavis adds, her eyes glued to the screen in front of us. "Speaking of, her sister, Alicia Mayfield seems to be the one to vote for thus far. Let's replay some of her best moments."

I nod at her, and the screen in front of us shifts scenes from the current situation in the arena to an image of Alicia Mayfield rushing past the cornucopia to attack her little sister at the start of the mini games.

Alicia Mayfield's POV:
I pull my dagger from the brat who tried to kill me, and get ready to move on and hunt for more tributes when something stops me.

"Please Alicia," a quit plea comes from the ground and I look down at my dying ally. "help me."

"There's nothing I can do for you." I say, turning my attention back to my pack and trying not to let my emotions show. "Unless you want me to put you out of your misery."

"Please." Electa sobs again.

I shrug, pulling my dagger out once more, and stab her in the throat. She stops moving, and her cannon sounds.

"I'm sorry." I whisper before continuing to pack up my supplies.

I pull the blood stained pack off of Electa's shoulders and move all of the contents into my own bag. I sling my pack over my shoulder move on through the woods so that the bodies can be collected.

Peck Mathew's POV:

"That's the second cannon we've heard in the last five minutes." I say nervously.

"But it wasn't any of us so it's okay." William says comfortingly as he rewraps Copper's wrist in bandages. I nod and the subject is dropped.

"We need to gather more food tomorrow, but we'll ration this for now." Hunter says, opening a sleeve of crackers.

After we've all eaten, we settle down, except for Will who has first watch. I lean against the trunk of a tree and tuck my knees up to my chest, using my jacket as a blanket. I watch as the sun slowly rises in the east, and fall asleep to the sound of birds chirping.


"Peck," someone says tiredly from beside me. "Peck!"

"What?" I groan, wrapping my jacket tighter around me.

"It's your watch. Wake me in about half an hour so that we can get moving." Hunter says, shaking me a bit.

I open my eyes sleepily, and then I remember where we are.

"Okay." I agree, sitting up.

Hunter nods at me before laying down with a yawn. I prop myself against the tree and take in the scene around me, watching for any movement in the surrounding woods.

When the half hour has passed, I wake Hunter and he tells me to wake the others while he packs up our supplies. I shrug and wake up William easily enough, but no matter what I try Copper just won't wake up. Suddenly, a cannon sounds, and my heart sinks.

"Hunter!" I call frantically.

Rayna Lamoure's POV:

I shake my head at the dead body of the girl who foolishly tried to raid our base. I watch as the hovercraft plucks her from the ground, then turn and walk back to the cornucopia.
"How are you doing, Willow?" I ask as I use my water bottle to wash the blood from my hands.
"Better." Willow replies simply, getting to her feet. "I was re-"
"What?" I ask as she cuts herself off. She points to the side of the cornucopia and I turn my head in time to see Oak fall to the ground out of nowhere. Willow and I rush to her side.
"What's happened?" Phoenix asks, appearing in the mouth of the cornucopia.
"There's something wrong with Oak." Willow half yells.
I frantically shake Oak, willing her to wake up.

Weery Malice's POV: (District 3)

I clutch the thin blanket that I managed to get from the cornucopia tightly as Whether, Trigger, and I walk tiredly through the woods. We've been running constantly since the gong rang out, signifying the start of the mini games.

"I need to stop." I cough out, slowing and leaning against a tree.

"We need to find water." Whether counters, slowing to a stop beside me and patting me on the back.

"Please?" I ask, extremely out of breath.

"Oh alright," Whether sighs. "five minutes, then we need to get moving again."

"About time." Trigger sighs.

I half sit, half fall on to the damp ground. A sigh escapes my lips as I clutch the stitch in my side, my lungs on fire.

"Okay, let's get moving a-" Whether doesn't finish her sentence, and instead falls to the ground unconscious.

"Whether?" I ask, my eyebrows raised. "Whether! Wake up, Whether!"

She doesn't move. All of a sudden, a static sound fills the arena, before Mavis Templesmith's voice rings out clearly, obviously about to announce something very important.

100th Hunger GamesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora