Chapter 25

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Perrie Meddle's POV: (District Nine)

Returning from dinner, I change out of my chariot costume which is a shirt woven from grain that comes to just above my belly button and a matching skirt. I'm also covered in a floury substance so I jump into the shower to scrub it off, along with whatever made it stick to my skin.

When I get out of the shower, I change into some pajamas I find in the wardrobe and jump into bed. After the long day that I've had it's easy to slip into sleep, though it's corrupted by nightmares of what the Quarter Quell will hold for me. In the morning I'm woken by Lyra knocking impatiently on my door.

"You've got to get up, Perrie. You're not going to be able to eat before training if you don't get a move on!" She calls.

I roll my eyes but don't reply. It takes all of my will power to get out of my soft and warm bed. I quickly change into the outfit that was left on the bed for me while I've been sleeping and rush into the common area to grab some fruit to eat before Tyne, the girl's mentor for District Nine pulls me aside to discuss my strategy.

"Okay, Perrie I want you to focus on learning as many survival skills as you can. Get familiar with at least one weapon and if you already have any skills that may improve your odds, but don't show them off. Wait for your private training session to show the game makers what you can do. Now finish your fruit and get down to training with everyone else." Tyne instructs very quickly.

I nod, though I'm still trying to process everything she's said. I shove the last strawberry in my mouth and run to catch the elevator with my fellow tributes. By the time we reach the training floor all of the tributes from twelve have already arrived and training was supposed to have started twenty minutes ago. Everyone from nine glares at me as our district number is pinned to our backs. If looks could kill I'd be long dead before the games even begin.

Sighing, I move to the training station nearest me which is edible plants and berries. I stay there for about twenty minutes before moving on to fire starting, then snaring, then I try my hand at knife throwing. I'm apologizing for the millionth time to the instructor whom I accidentally stabbed in the hand during my brief time with the throwing knives when the game makers call training to a halt and send the tributes to lunch.

Walking into the common lunch area, I take a plate from an avox and begin to load it with food from a long buffet table before attempting to sit with a few of my fellow District Nine tributes who immediately get up and move from the table. Groaning, I throw the roll I was about to bite into down onto the table and push the food away from me, losing my appetite at the thought of the enormous amount of enemies I have made myself in the last hour alone, most of whom are from my own district. I hit my head against the table repeatedly, muttering curse words under my breath.

"Geez, what did that poor table ever do to you?"

The question makes me jump as I raise my head and turn to find three tributes from Twelve watching me curiously, two girls and a boy.

"Nothing. I just can't do anything right." I mumble, dropping my head to the table once agin.

"Ah. This is because you stabbed the trainer, isn't it? He startled you, that's all. You were doing pretty well with the throwing knives before then though, we were pretty impressed." One of the girls replies, shrugging.

"I seriously doubt that, but thanks anyway." I sigh.

"Would you like to pair up with us?" The boy asks, holding a hand out towards me as I raise my head once again.

"You really want to ally with me?"

"Sure, why not?"

I pause for a moment. This might be my only chance to join an alliance, and even if none of them turn out to be good fighters it's probably my best bet for survival.

"Alright." I shrug, reaching out to take his hand.

"Cool. I'm Rory by the way. This is Juniper, and that's Mariah." The boy, Rory smiles as the three of them take their seats at the table beside me.

"I'm Perrie." I nod at each of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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