Chapter 8

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Alicia Mayfield's POV:

"Ya!" I yell as I throw my spear at a dummy. It lodges in the dummy's stomach, and I grin. Since training began, I've been working with every weapon possible, so that when I confront my sister in the games, I'll have a few options when deciding how to kill her.

I pick up another spear, and chuck it at a new dummy. There's a satisfying crunch of plastic as it lodges in the dummy's head. I've tried quite a few different weapons, but I'm definitely better with a spear.

"Lunch!" One of the training assistants calls. I drop the new spear in my hand and head to the lunch room. I see the group of district seven girls who always sit together, and I head over to them.

"Hi." I say casually.

"Hello..." One of the girls says slowly.

"I'm just going to get right to the point... I've seen what you girls can do, and I was wondering if I could join your alliance. I can throw spears with accuracy, I can use a mace, and an array of smaller weapons. All I ask, is that you leave Copper for me to kill." I say, trying to keep things friendly.

"Isn't Copper your sister?" The same girl asks.

"Yeah, so what? She volunteered to be here, she can deal with the consequences." I say, losing the friendly tone for a moment. I clear my throat. "But, I believe that we would work well together."

"I'm sorry, Alicia is it? I just can't get past the fact that you want to kill your sister. I think we'll pass, but thanks for the offer." The girl says in a sickly sweet tone.

"You're going to regret that." I growl, glaring at the group briefly before stalking away angrily.

I get my lunch and sit at a table by myself. I guess I'll just be alone in these games. I don't really mind though, now that I know how well I can work with different weapons.

I push my food around on my plate. I never did like seafood, and we were always wealthy enough to be picky at home, so I don't bother to eat anything but the roll provided, because it tastes of home.

Soon, though, it is announced that the gamemakers will begin to call us in to our private sessions by chronological order. This means that I will go first, both because I am a female from district three, and because my name starts with 'A', putting me at the top of the list. I prepare myself, and it doesn't take long for my name to be called.

I stand and leave the lunch room, returning to the training room, where the doors close behind me. I don't waste any time in showing the gamemakers what I can do. I head straight to the spear throwing station, and begin throwing my new favorite weapons at the plastic dummies in front of me. The spears lodge in the head, gut, and heart of the three dummies that I aim at.

There's a bit of applause and approving nods from the gamemakers above me, but little do they know that I'm not finished yet. I move to the agility simulator course and turn it on.

I'm attacked by several moving holograms, but I dodge and duck their weapons, rolling out of the way just in time, throwing in a few kicks and punches when I can. I feel pretty confident by the time the simulator turns off, so I head to the mace station to put on one final show for the gamemakers, who look baffled that a simple district three girl could have learned this much in two and a half days of training.

I smirk at their reactions, and pick up my mace of choice. I swing it around the circle of dummies, knocking legs off and denting skulls, and then I release it. It lodges in a dummy's face, and I feel a sense of pride wash over me.

I turn to the gamemakers and bow briefly. They applaud briefly and dismiss me. I head to the elevators, thinking of how proud my parents will be once I've gotten rid of Copper for them.


"Come on, everyone!" Elle calls excitedly. "Move into the lounge, the scores are about to be broadcasted!"

We all gather around the wall where moving images of Elody Bowen, the Capitol announcer, are being projected.

"That's right, everyone! Its time to see what this year's batch of tributes scored, lets get started!" Elody babbles excitedly. "The first on our list is Alicia Mayfield from district three, with a score of..." I watch anxiously as a picture of me is projected on the wall. "Nine!! That's quite an accomplishment for a district three tribute, well done!"

I breathe a sigh of relief, and Ellie pats me on the back encouragingly. I tune out the program for a while, not paying much attention after I hear my score, that is, until my sister's face appeared on the wall.

"Copper Mayfield, with a score of..." Elody draws out every word. "Four."

A grin spreads across my face. She's done poorly despite how smart I know she is. She'll have a hard time getting sponsors now.

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