Chapter 14

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Max Lamoure's POV: (sorry it's not a tribute)

I watch in horror as Willow falls to the ground and the girls that attacked her move on.

She's not dead. Not yet at least, or else another canon would have sounded. We need to work fast.

"Marie, what can we send her?" I ask, jumping as another canon sounds, but relax when the screen shows that my sister has killed a district three tribute.

Willow Mason's POV:

I play dead until my attackers leave, and my vision goes blurry as I fade in and out of consciousness. I struggle to pull the knives, that luckily didn't hit my spine and didn't get far into the skin, out of my back. I get the last one out and know that I have to work fast to stop myself from bleeding out.

A large silver parachute floats gracefully to the ground in front of me and I open it eagerly. Inside is a roll of bandages and disinfectant cream. I work quickly as Winter's body is hauled  up into a hovercraft. I just have time to awkwardly, but efficiently wrap the bandages around my back and stomach.

Exhausted, I manage to crawl behind the pile of supplies before falling to the ground in unconsciousness.

Phoenix Marie's POV:

I take a step back in fear as my ally Matrix's canon sounds and the two girls from seven raise their weapons, poised to attack again.

"Please!" I shout, my voice cracking. "I could be a useful ally! I didn't manage to grab anything during the bloodbath but I can use an axe."

"Everyone from our district can use an axe." One of the girls counters, taking a few steps towards me.

"But I heard you during lunch in training talking about how you needed as many people in your alliance as possible so you could be the careers of the mini games. An extra pair of hands, an extra weapon, doesn't sound like a bad thing based on what you said." I say quickly, closing my eyes and waiting for death to come.

"She's right." One of them sighs. The other nods. "I'm Oak, and this is Rayna. The girls Willow and Winter from our district are also with us."

"I'm Phoenix." I say. The girl nods and leads the way back the way they came.

We walk through the woods, the terrifying girls ahead of me talking as we go. We get to the cornucopia and no one is there. The girl called Rayna screams when she sees the blood stained grass empty of bodies and allies alike.

"Willow!" She's hyperventilating, voice cracking as she screams.

"Winter?" Oak calls.

A groan comes from behind the pile of supplies, and Rayna rushes around it, to find a girl, apparently Willow, crumpled on the ground and struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Willow what happened? Where's Winter?" Rayna asks frantically.

"That insane girl from three, and the ally I didn't know she had attacked us. Winter is dead. I took three knives to the back." Willow says, almost inaudibly.

"She's dead?" Oak asks, looking terrified. Willow nods sadly.

"I tried to stop the bleeding but I was still being attacked. There was nothing I could do."

"Sh, sh, it's alright. I'm sure you did all you could. Let's get you cleaned up." Rayna says, tears still flowing from her eyes.

Willow nods. "Who's this?" She asks, gesturing to me.

"This is Phoenix, our new ally." Oak says, empty of emotion.

Electa Terrence's POV:

"Well, that's two down." I say as we walk further into woods. "What do we do now? We have no idea where your sister is."

"The sun's rising." Alicia replies calmly. "Let's stop and rest for a while. I can take the first watch, as you've already looked after me when I was injured."

"All right." I agree with a yawn before unrolling a thin blanket onto the ground to lay on and closing my eyes.

"Electa!" Someone whispers fiercely and very near my ear. 

"What?" I say, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and sitting up.

"Pack up, let's get moving." My ally says. I nod and pack up my supplies before heading off in search of tributes again.

Suddenly, Alicia puts a hand up, motioning for me to stop, and then I see it. Not too far away, there's a tribute's fire sending spirals of smoke into the air. It must be our lucky day.

Trevor Minx's POV:

I clutch the ax as I press myself against a tree, the heat of the flames still on my back. I hear footsteps crinkling leaves and snapping twigs.

"What the hell?" A girl's voice asks. "There's no one here?"

I take a deep breathe and hope that I can use this thing well enough to protect myself. I quietly step out from behind the tree to find two girls with their backs to me. I raise my ax and slowly make my way towards the unwelcome tributes, being careful not to make any noise.

I bring the ax down hard in the girl's back that's closest to me. She screams and her ally turns on me. I pull my ax out and the girl with the blue hair falls to the ground, still screaming in agony.

"Back away, or I kill her." I say, raising the ax once again.

"Be my guest." The girl that's still standing shrugs, laughing at my expression. I think I should have hit her instead.

Within a second, she's pulled her dagger and wields it threateningly, slowly moving towards me. Before she gets a chance to attack, though, I throw the ax at her and it sticks in her kneecap. She screams but continues advancing on me. I can't pull out the ax, and in a fit of rage, the insane tribute throws her dagger at me. It lodges in my stomach and she leaves me to die just like her so called ally.

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