Chapter 12

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Trevor Minx's POV:

I manage to get Trapp into the woods, and miraculously, no one is following us, though that doesn't improve our chances much, with Trapp dying and me left with nothing but the ax in his back.

"Trevor?" Trapp groans, and I slow my run significantly.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I-if I die, I want you to know that it's not your fault." He says, his voice cracked, his words slurred.

"You're not going to die, not if I can help it." I say, pressing on.

"But what if you can't?"

Electa Terrace's POV:

I rummage through the packs until I find some bandages, and begin to wrap Alicia's head that's still bleeding badly. I stand and turn, picking up a scrap of cloth and dipping it in the cool water from the creek before wringing it out and placing it on my unconcious ally's forehead. I sit down with a huff and lean against a large rock.

Suddenly, the sound of a canon going off fills the arena, and I know that the bloodbath must be over. I listen and count how many times it goes off, and end up hearing it nine times. Nine gone, ten to go.

"What happened?" I turn and find Alicia trying to sit up.

"You took a rock to the head, you were bleeding pretty badly." I reply, after making her lay back down.

"But I at least killed her right? Tell me I killed her."

I shake my head and stare at the muddy ground.

"Then what are we doing here, let's go hunting." She insists, pushing herself to her feet.

"We're here because I had to get you away from the Cornucopia before that District Seven girl decided to take you out while you were down. You should be thanking me, it wasn't easy getting you into the woods by myself." I say, getting to my feet as well. "And you may want to rest for a while, you need to heal."

"Are you kidding? I don't care if my head hurts, I don't even care if I die, but I have to kill her first!" She insists.

"All right." I shrug. "If you're sure you're up for it."

"I am, now let's get out of here."

I nod and toss one of the packs to her.

Winter Forest's POV:

I look around at the carnage around the Cornucopia, and a tear slides down my cheek. The bodies of dead tributes scattered around us, boxes of supplies split down the middle and covered in blood. We did this.

"Let's split up the supplies that are left." Reyna says, turning to look away from the clearing. "Then we'll go a little ways away so they can collect the bodies."

I nod and walk into the mouth of the Cornucopia, where Reyna hands me a backpack filled with who knows what, a sleeping bag, and a water bottle.

"I'll keep track of the food." Willow suggests.

"Okay." Oak says. I nod again, feeling incapable of speech.

Oak walks over to me and pats me on the shoulder. "It hurts, doesn't it?" She whispers, gesturing to the chaos around us. I nod, and she gives me a sad smile before pulling me into an embrace.

That's the difference between us and the actual careers, we don't enjoy killing, we do it because we have to if we want to survive. I feel like with every person I kill, a piece of the person I used to be dies with them, which makes me wonder what will be left of me if I make it out of here.

Peck Mathew's POV:

"Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down." I mutter to myself as I climb the tallest tree I could find. I know it's not a great idea to climb a tree, when I'm probably the clumsiest person in the games, but I need to know where I'm headed, I need to find water. Honestly, it's probably a miracle that I'm still alive at this point, I just hope that I don't run out of miracles.

I can see a small creek in the distance, so I half climb, half fall down to the ground and head that direction, climbing trees occasionally to make sure I'm going the right way.

I stop to catch my breath and sit down, leaning against a large rock. It's then that I notice the dried blood on the ground next to me and decide to keep moving, just in case whoever was here before decides to come back.

Will Baxter's POV:

"She's not chasing us anymore, can't we stop and take a break?" I ask. "I think we're all tired of running."

"All right, but not for long. We need to get as far away from the Cornucopia by nightfall as possible." Hunter replies, slowing down.

I slow as well, and come to a stop. I turn in time to see Copper sit down beside a tree, tears still streaming down her face as she pull her knees up to her chest.

"Why don't we go through the packs?" I suggest, turning away from Copper.

"Okay." Hunter agrees, and I sit down, pulling the pack off of my shoulders and unzipping it.

Inside I find a thin blanket, a water canteen, a box of matches, a couple strips of beef jerky, a small knife with a sleeve, and a coil of wire.

"Any food?" Hunter asks.

"Yeah, some beef jerky." I shrug.

"Okay, pass that to me. I think that one of us should carry the food and the other the supplies. Is that okay with you?" He asks, holding out his hand.

"Yeah, I'll carry the supplies." I say, handing the jerky to Hunter. He nods and hands me a bottle of iodine, another water bottle, a large caribeaner, some rope, and arrow heads.

"Copper, you need a weapon." Hunter says, his gaze softening as it lands on her. "Take this."

Copper takes the knife he hands her without a word, and we all stand as if on que, and are about to take off again, when the sound of the canon makes us all jump.

"Run, the killer could be anywhere!"

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