Chapter 19

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Copper Mayfield's POV:

I come to in a completely white room. I look around and find that I'm laying in a white hospital bed, all sorts of things have been plugged into my body. I'm clean though, and my scars and injuries from the mini games have been healed. My wrist is perfectly fine once more, though it's still very sore.

I groan as I think back on the mini games. I know that I killed Alicia but I dont remember doing it, and I don't want to. If my family didn't hate me before, they certainly will now.

Suddenly, an opening appears in the white wall in front of me and a Capitol attendant enters the room. I sit up in the bed, and the attendant checks my vitals before unplugging me from the many machines that surround the bed.

"You're free to leave after you've finished eating. There's an outfit for you on the end of the bed." The attendant nods at me and sets a wooden tray that contains a small bowl of cooked grains and a glass of water on my lap.

I nod in return and pick up the accompanying spoon. I find that I can barely hold this small portion after only eating a handful of crackers while in the mini games.

Suddenly I remember what happened and I can't see how I ever forgot. I wince as I remember how Alicia charged at us after the second cannon went off. She was screaming in pain, but she didn't stop. How Will set me down and told me to run, but when Alicia tackled him to the ground and raised her broken arrow to kill him I just couldn't. A tear rolls down my cheek. I should have ran like I was told to, but I couldn't. Something broke inside of me and I picked up a rock from the ground near my feet and went charging back at Alicia.

"What kind of a sister are you!" I yelled, and before I realized what I had done her canon sounded, and the rock in my hand was bloody.

Rayna Lamoure's POV:

I down the grains on the tray quickly, wanting to get out of this room as soon as possible, though I do wish there was more for me to eat. I lift the tray from my lap and set it back down onto the bed when I've pushed myself to my feet. I walk to the end of the hospital bed and begin to change into the outfit that's been left for me there, which I recognize to be the outfit I wore to train in.

I walk towards the wall that the Capitol attendant came through minutes ago, and a door reveals itself and opens. I hear talking down the hall, and follow the sound of the familiar voices. I find Genevieve, Max, and Mari sitting on a couch along with Will Baxter.

"Willow's not here yet?" I ask, sitting down next to Max who pulls me into a hug.

"No. From what I hear, she had a rough time healing the wounds in her back from the throwing knives." Max nods.

"Well I guess you're just as anxious to see her again as I am, after what happened the night before the games." I tease as I pull back from the embrace a bit, throwing my brother a wink. Mari chuckles beside me.

Will Baxter's POV:

I sit silently on the edge of the couch, occasionally glancing at the mentors, Genevieve, and my fellow district victor. I wonder how Copper is handling everything, if she's met with her mentor yet, and when we'll be able to talk to each other again. I hope that she'll be able to get past her sister's death so that we can focus on training for the full games.

"Your families are being transported to the Capitol as we speak. They'll arrive tomorrow and will stay until the week before the full games." My eyes snap on to Mari as she says this.

This could either be a very good, or very bad thing for what's left of my alliance. I'm not sure how Copper's family will react to the situation, and I know that she's worried about meeting them. If worst comes to worst, she can stay around me and my family.

I sigh as I realize that I've come to worry about her more than I worry about my own problems. One thing is for sure, though. We're definitely sticking together in the full games.

Willow Mason's POV:

I pull my training shirt over my head, still in a cold sweat as an opening appears in the white wall before me. I shiver as I exit the room, looking down the hallways on either side of me before hearing laughter from my left and following the noise. I find Max, Mari, Genevieve, Rayna, and Will sitting on a large couch together talking and laughing. I yawn tiredly as I walk toward them.

"There she is!" Max calls as he catches sight of me. Rayna's head shoots up and she rushes to her feet so that she can pull me into a hug.

"I was beginning to worry." Rayna says with the smallest of smiles on her face.

"I'm fine, just a little sore." I reply with a shake of my head.

"Now that we're all here," Genevieve calls enthusiastically, "we've got to get you ready for your returning interviews. We'll each take one of you to your stylist and prep team. Will, you'll go with Max, Rayna will go with Mari, and Willow will come with me."

We all nod, and the others get to their feet. Max pulls me into a short hug before sending me over to Genevieve. I yawn as she takes me by the arm and leads me down a connecting hallway. I know that the remainder of the day will drag on in preparation, and by the time we're supposed to be interviewed I'll be ready to go to sleep.

AN: Sorry for the delay on this. My phone keeps glitching out and doing weird stuff right when I make plans to update. Anyway, the next chapter will be the last one that rotates around these characters. After that the story will move on to the tributes of the next mini games. Thanks for reading, remember to vote and comment feedback. The next chapter will be put up shortly.

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