Chapter 4

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AN: Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I was working on more chapters for this story so that I would be able to update regularly from now on, and I was also taking some time to edit and make sure that its written well. Anyway, sorry for the delay, I hope you like this chapter.


Alicia Mayfield's POV: (District three)

As the first chariot, my chariot, begins to move, leaving the training center behind, I glance down at my costume, a loose fitting blue dress with a sheer covering that lights up, before turning my attention to the Capitol crowd. I'm grateful my stylist, Cache, styled me in something that gets attention becaus it looks amazing, not because it looks strange, like the girl in the paper dress behind me for instance.
The crowd cheers as I ride down the Capitol streets, working my way towards the city circle where the President waits to see us. I blow kisses and catch roses thrown my way, occasionally glancing at a screen to make sure my nervousness isn't showing.
One time, I look at a screen and see my little sister, Copper, projected on it, wearing a thin dress made completely out of copper wires, making me hate her more. She always did get more attention than me. She's too talented, and now she stealing the spotlight again, and I hate her for it, especially when she's wearing a cliche, predictable costume. A girl named Copper, wearing a dress made out of copper, really? I growl under my breath, but turn my attention back to waving and blowing kisses. I don't want to lose my temper in front of the cameras and Capitol crowd.
I focus on the fact that I have to make a good impression tonight, and smile anyway, trying to take my mind off of my anger as my chariot continues moving towards the city circle. I watch out of the corner of my eye as the screen continues to show all of the tributes. I feel bad for Trevor, a boy from my school, who is dressed as a robot.
I am the first to reach the city circle, so I look straight ahead, watching the President as the other twenty-three tributes join me in the city circle, including my sister, who ends up stopping right next to me on the left hand side. I glare at her while Correlaina Snow, the original President's granddaughter, gives a welcoming speech to the tributes.
I focus on watching the president with my best smile, ignoring the fact that Copper is staring at me nervously. She should be nervous. The second that gong sounds I'll be after her, then she won't make me look bad anymore.
"In conclusion, the Capitol welcomes you, and thanks you for your sacrifice." Correlaina says officially.
And with that, the chariots begin to move again, organizing themselves with me at the front of the line once again as the horses pull us around the city circle one more time, and return to the training center.
Cache greets me as my chariot comes to a stop in the training center.
"You did great out there, they loved you." Cache says comfortingly.
"Thanks, but I think they like my sister more." I mutter, watching a crowd form around my little sister.
Cache gives me a sad smile as he glances at Copper, whom I've told him all about.
"I've got to go, I have business to attend to, but I'll be joining you for dinner on the third floor tonight. Ellie should be here to take you there soon." Cache says, waving as he walks away.
He's right. Ellie soon shows up with Plume, the mentor for the female tributes, and Mane, the mentor for the boys, at her sides.
"Alright, where are my district three tributes?" She asks cheerfully, addressing the tributes that are still aimlessly wandering around the room.
Soon, she's rounded up all twelve of us and led us to the elevators, that take us to the third floor, dropping us off at our individual rooms once again. I enter my quarters and immediately strip off my beautiful chariot costume, and change into some more comfortable clothes. I then lay down on my new, temporary, bed and sigh. The games begin in three days. It's been my plan to get rid of my sister, but what will I do after that? She's always been the smart one and I have no skills with weapons as far as I know, will I even get the chance to kill her, or will I die first?
No. I can't think like that. I'm determined to kill Copper and stay alive at least through the mini games. I don't care if I die after that.
Ellie eventually knocks on my door and tells me it's time for dinner. I take a moment to compose myself and exit my private quarters, making my way to the large dining room where three long tables have been set up so that all the tributes, their stylists, and mentors can dine together. I find a seat far away from Copper, next to Trevor Minx, the boy who was dressed like a robot, and Cache soon takes his seat beside me. The sound of multiple voices blurring together fills the room as servants dressed in all white place dish after dish of Capitol delicacies on the table.
"So what's next?" I ask Cache casually as I dish myself some pineapple chicken.
"Training, then the interviews. The interviews will be slightly different as well, but we can talk about that later." Cache shrugs. "Plume will be seeing you through training."
"Alright. I hope my interview dress will be as wonderful as my chariot costume." I smile.
"I'm glad you liked your costume, and yes it will be similar to the outfit you wore today." Cache assures me.
I nod, but don't say anything else as I finish eating. When there's nothing left of the Capitol delicacies on the tables, we all stand move our stuffed selves into the living room, where several couches have been laid out, and sit down to watch the replay of the opening ceremonies.

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