Chapter 3 - First Meeting

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"NO, MOM, IT HAS TO BE PERFECT! PLEASE HELP ME" I heard Sidney's voice coming from her room, out loud.

"It's just a guy!" Aaron yelled, as he soon walked into my room.

"Court?" he quietly called out,

"Yeah?" I moaned,

"Aren't you going?"


"To that Evan guy"

I slowly sit down, rubbed my eyes and looked up at him.

"Crap. Is it today?"

"Yeah. It's today"

Double crap.

I quickly got out of my bed and opened my closet. What could I even wear? He was just a boy after all, I really needed to calm down. I spent 5 full minutes staring at my clothes.

"Alright, one step at time" I whispered to myself grabbing my dark skinny jeans, socks, underwear and bra.

I took a quick shower, curled my hair tips, and put on a little bit of eyeliner and my red lipstick. I walked out the bathroom just to see Sidney standing outside.

"Gosh, you scared me" I laughed, she nervously smiled.

She was wearing dark skinny jeans, white nike air force and a black tank top that says 'All Monsters are Human', a quote from season 2, Asylum. I smiled down at her and reached my room.

There I was again. I quickly took my jeans off and grabbed another pair of it, black ripped jeans. Alright, next, what shirt did I have to choose. I grabbed a blue plaid shirt and tried it on. It looked like fitting with my jeans. Good. I put a pair of blue vans and stood in front of the mirror.

"You look beautiful" a familiar voice said, I turned to her.

"Thank you" I smiled,

"You're gonna make them all boys fall for you" she chuckled,

"I don't think so, but thank you Laura" I laughed.


"So, guess we'll meet in a couple of hours. Next to which stand do you want us to meet?" Laura said holding dad's hand,

"The comic one?" I said, they laughed.

"Honey, it's a comic fair. It's basically all about comics here today" my dad sweetly stated,

"Oh. So, American Bar? That one in the second corner"

We said our goodbyes, Sidney and I started queuing outside a small comic stand, where Evan would've been in a couple of minutes hopefully.

"Do you mind if I go grabbing a donut or something? I'm starving" I said with a guilty look,

"Can you take me a bottle of water too?" she smiled, I nodded.

I reached a bar in front of the comic stand and walked in.

"Excuse me, can I have a donut and a bottle of water?" I asked to the barman, he didn't even make a move.

"Uhm, excuse me?" I insisted, nothing.

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