Chapter 1: Merc Hunting

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Sniper's POV

"Victory!" The Administrator's voice boomed over the speakers. I climbed down from my nest and headed towards my van. On the way though, I stopped to check my score this round. 10 kills, 0 deaths. Damnit, bloody Spook beat me by one kill!
"Problem bushman?" I turned around ta see a smirk plastered on his face. "
Not at all Spook. After all, you died, what, Five toimes?"
"Fair point. Will 'ou be joining us for poker tonight?"
"Nah, been a long day. Probably jus' gonna head to me van and sleep."
"Shame. I was looking forwards to emptying 'our pockets again."

"Yo Snipes! Spy!" We both turn to see Scout running towards us. "Ms. Pauling's here, wats to talk to us all." With that, we all headed towards the garage, the only 'meeting place' we had on this damn base.

When we got there, Pauling immediately started. "Well, now that we're all her, we can begin. I don't want to waste time, so I'll just say it: we need a new merc." Demoman spat out some of his scrumpy.
"Team is fine as is," Heavy said, "team is strong."
"Maybe so Heavy, but it can't hurt to have some extra muscle."
"Ven vill ve be getting zis new komrade?"
"Soon hopefully. I've already looked through some profiles, now I just need to do the interviews. That's where you guys come in." I looked at her.
"Whadya' mean?"
"I need you guys to do the interviews. I would, but I have alot of work to do. So, we have three candidates..." She started explaining the people, but I was more concerned with cleaning my kukri.

"Sniper! Are you listening?"
"*sigh* I said, I need you and Spy to interview number three."

Spy took the file, and we headed to my van. As I turned on the ignition, Spy looked at me, and said, "Oh, don't look so down bushman. Look where we are going." I take the file, and a smile makes it way onto my face.

"Location:________ State Nature Reserve."

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