Chapter 19: Memories, Old and New

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I know y'all been waiting for this one! Not gonna lie, I almost cried at the end. Enjoy!

Mick's POV

I looked over the note one last time, heart pumping with nervousness. I glanced at Spy leaning against the wall, watching as he lit yet another cigarette.

"You're sure this'll work Spook?"
He blew out a puff of smoke.
"Do you love her?"
"Course I do."
"And she loves you?"

He chuckled.

"Then I guarantee it will work, mon ami."

Your POV

The soft noise of my alarm clock roused me from my sleep. I hit the snooze, and snuggled deeper into the warmth of my covers. I dozed for a while, taking advantage of a rare day off, before a soft knocking at the door roused me.

"Scout, I swear to cheez-its, if you're waking me up to do some dumb prank, I will pour hot sauce in your Bonk! again."


There was no reply, just a soft noise as something was pushed under the door. I turned over, surprised to see a cream-colored envelope lying on my carpet. I got up, sock-covered feet padding lightly on the floor. Holding the envelope, I opened my door, surprised to see no one there. I looked up and down the hallway, sighing when I found no sight of anyone.

I closed the door to my bedroom, leaning against the door as I looked at the front of the envelope. I smiled at the writing, recognizing the messy, lazy scrawl of my bushman. The paper was worn, faded from repeated writing and erasing, before finally deciding on the words.


It's no secret that I love you. I've said it a hundred times over, and I'll say it a hundred more before I die; but that's not enough. You need to know that I remember. I remember every moment we've had together, even before we were together.

Go into the kitchen love.


I quickly got dressed and, following the instruction, headed to the kitchen.


On the table in the kitchen, lay another envelope. Two small toy horses stood on top, a brown and white paint and a honey brown, necks craned around each other in a hug. I slipped the envelope from underneath them, opening the second letter.

I remember when I first saw you. I was stunned that someone as beautiful as you was working at a nature reserve. When me and the spook walked in, we were bickering like a married couple. You were patient enough to wait while we talked, and offered us a tour. I remember talking as we rode towards Demon's Rock, and I remember the look on your face when we found the cubs. I'll never forget the look of determination on your face as we took them back to the office; and underneath it, sympathy for the poor little buggers.

And I remember the first time I saw you shoot.

I thought about the last line for a moment, briefly thinking that he'd want me to go to the range we usually practice at; but that wasn't the first time he saw me shoot. With a smirk, I headed towards his camper.


A cold autumn breeze chilled me as I walked to the camper. True to my thoughts, pinned to the side by an arrow was another letter. I smiled as I got closer, seeing the arrow pinned directly through the 'o' in Love, written on the front.

The first time I saw you shoot an arrow, I was amazed. I was a bit miffed that you just took off with my bow, but seeing you bullseye that can had my heart racing. The only thing I regret that day was not getting to finish our coffee.

But most importantly, I remember the day I first said I love you.

I smiled as I made my way to the waterfall.


The hill overlooking the falls was breathtaking. A checkered blanket covered the grass, a small picnic set out on top of it. A wooden structure was built, strung up with fairy lights, illuminating the night. As I stood in the center, taking in the view, I heard soft footsteps behind me.

"Hello love."

I turned around to see Michael, void of vest, hat, and shades.

"Sorry for the run-around love, but I uh- needed some more time to finish setting up. How do you like it?"
"Michael it's beautiful."
"Thanks, but, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a little help. Shall we eat?"

After a lovely meal and some stargazing, we laid down on the blanket and stared at the stars. After a while, I felt Mick start to shake. I moved my head from his chest to look him in the eyes.

"Babe, you okay?"
"Y-yeah love, I'm fine. But I uh- I need to ask you something."

He stood up, taking my hand in his as he helped me stand as well.

"(Y/n), we've been through so much together. I've known for a long time that I love you, but it wasn't until what happened with Mitch that I realized just how deep that love ran. When he left us there, I was ready to give up, to do whatever I needed to to keep you safe; but looking at you, I remembered every moment we've been together, and I realized that- I don't want to spend another moment of my life without you."

Tears were already forming as I watched him kneel. He pulled the box out of his pocket, and with trembling hands, opened it to reveal the diamond ring. It was a simple cute, small diamond, and it was perfect.

"(Y/f/n), will you make me the happiest man in the world? Will you marry me?"


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