Chapter 20: Family

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A Valentine's gift from me to you. <3 


Mick's POV

Sunlight filtered in through the blinds next to my bed, hitting my eyes and waking me from a comfortable sleep. A warm body snuggled into my side, and I turned to look at the beaut laying next to me. (Y/n)'s face was peaceful as she slept, her bare chest rising and falling steadily with each breath. Her left hand rested on my chest, her diamond ring shining in the morning sun, and a smile tugged at my lips as I remembered the previous night. I sat there, just watching her for a bit, before a loud knock on the camper door startled me. 

"Hush up ya wanka, I'm comin!" 

I slowly crawled out of bed, careful not to wake (y/n). I quickly pulled on some boxers, and opened the door. Spy looked me up and down, smirking at me when he noticed my clothes, or lack thereof. He chuckled.

"I take it you had an enjoyable night bushman?"
"Yeah," I said, glancing back at (y/n)'s sleeping form. "you could say that." I turned back to Spy. "What's up?"
"Ah, yes. Ms. Pauling has arrived, she said she had an announcement for all of us."
"All right, we'll be there soon."

I closed the door and turned back to the bed. (Y/n) leaned on her elbows, staring tiredly at me. I smiled.

"G'morning luv."
"Mmmm... morning." She yawned, laying her head down on her arms. I chuckled and walked towards her. Her hair was messy, a product of last night's 'celebration.' I reached up to her face, running my hand through her bed head. She leaned into the touch, reaching for my hand with her own. As she did, the sunlight glinted off of her ring. I took her hand in mine, kissing from her wrist to the ring. She giggled.

"Who was at the door?"
"The spook. Pauling's here and wants to talk us all."
"So I have to get out of bed?"

I chuckled again.



Your POV

The team gathered around the kitchen, for once not meeting in the actual meeting room. Medic, Heavy, and Engie sat at the table eating breakfast, Spy leaned against the doorframe, Scout was leaning on the back of the couch, Pyro was sitting cross-legged on the armchair, Demo was passed out on the floor, and Soldier stood to attention. Me and Mick leaned on the counter, nursing our coffees. 

"So," Ms. Pauling began to address the team. "As you all know, do to recent uh, events..." She glanced at me and Sniper. "Both teams have been put on an indefinite ceasefire. That is, until now. I'm here to announce that, officially, both RED and BLU have been disbanded. The war is over."

Everyone spoke at once, questions spouted in native tongues, with Scout's Boston accent poking through with a 'What da hell?!' I saw Spy look at Mick, a small smile on his face. Mick just nodded. 

"Everyone calm down!" 

Ms. Pauling's voice cut through the chatter. "I know it's sudden, but the truth is that this has been in the works for a few months now. All we needed was something to set it off and, as unfortunate as the event was, what happened last week was the tipping point. It's over," she paused, and let out a breath. "We can all go home."

With a peaceful smile on her face, she gathered her files and walked out the door. A silence hung in the air after her departure, before Scout inevitably broke it.

"Freakin' finally! God, I can't wait to see ma!"

With that, everyone started to smile, talking excitedly among ourselves about what came next. For the most part, everyone was going to go home. Engie planned to head back to Texas to see his Mrs., dropping Soldier off... somewhere along the way. Demo was going back to Scotland to take care of his mother, and Medic was going to join Heavy and visit his family in Russia. No one knew where Pyro would go, but then again, no one ever really knew what was going on in the fire-bug's brain. 

Spy cut through the crowd to where me and Mick stood, talking about what we'd do. 

"So," he started, looking between us. "What comes next for le couple charmant?"

Mick and I looked at each other. "We don't really know," I said. "I don't think we ever gave much thought to what would happen if we ever got out of here." Spy nodded. "What about you?" I asked. "Are you going to go back to France? Or are you going to travel a bit?" 

"Well," he started, turning to look at where Scout was talking excitedly about going back home to his mother. Spy looked back at us. "Truth be told, I have some... business to take care of before anything else."

I nodded. "Good luck Spy. I hope it goes well." He nodded once more, before returning to the group. 

I looked up at my fiance and he smiled. We walked out of the base hand in hand, back towards the camper. We chatted about this and that on the walk, eventually returning to where we'd go once we were released. 

"What are we going to do Mick?" I asked as we entered the caravan. I put my mug in the sink and leaned against the counter. "We don't really have a place to stay."

"Well," he said, "That's not entirely true." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"What do you mean?"

"Well, I told you about my parents." I nodded. "Well, in their will they left the house, to me."
He acted almost sheepish as he looked at me. 
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah. Here, look at this." 

He took out his wallet and pulled out an old folded picture. In it was him, his brother, and his parents, all stood outside his family home. Beyond the house itself was a vast ranch, wide fields of grass and animals grazing.

"It's beautiful..."

Mick hummed as he moved behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and put his chin in the crook of my neck. 

"So what do you think? 10 acres of the outback, all ours."

I held the photo to my chest, biting my lip as I held in a tear. My heart hurt with the joy I held in my chest, and it nearly burst when I spoke next. I gently moved Mick's hand to my stomach and held it there, intertwining our fingers.

"I think it'll be the perfect place to start our family."

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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