Chapter 2: The Visitors

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Your POV

"Hey (y/n)." I look up from my book.
"You're late (bff/n). Again."
"Sorry! My kid was crying all night. I woke up late."
"Oh, sorry."
"It's cool." (bff/n) went into the back to sign in, and walked out, probably to greet a new batch of tourists. I sigh and go back to reading. After a few minutes though, my mind starts to wander. (bff/n) is so lucky: he's/she's happily married with a baby girl, and a job he/she loves. Don't get me wrong, I love working at the reserve: surrounded by nature and animals everyday; but sometimes, I wish I had someone to go home to. Not that my dingy apartment could house more than me.

Besides, who would want to date me? I'm nothing special: (h/l) (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and always wearing the same outfit: a (f/c) shirt, black jeans, hiking boots, and when it's cold, like it is today, a jacket. Everyone who sees me says I'm either a tom-boy or a loner. Because of this, the latter became the truth. My only real friend is (bff/n), and we only see each other at work.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by the sound of arguing and the front doors jingle. Two men walk in, one in a full dress suit and ski mask, the other wearing aviator shades, a single fingerless glove, and a vest.

"We would 'ave gotten 'ere sooner if 'ou 'ad followed ze map!" suit and tie said. He was French.
"Oi don't need a bloody map! We got here, didn't we?" The guy with sunglasses was Australian. I cleared my throat and they both look at me.
"Oh! Pardon madmoiselle."
"You're fine. Welcome to ____ State Nature Reserve, are you here for a tour?" The frenchman shook his head, and was about to say something else, but was interrupted by the aussie.
"Maybe you can help us sheila. We're looking for a miss..." He looked at a file then back up. "(l/n)?"

"Well then, you won't have to go far." I said, smiling.

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