Chapter 3: The Interview

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Sniper's POV

"Well then, you won't have to go to far." The sheila smiled and stood up, holding our her hand. "(f/n)." I shook her hand and smiled at her.
"Pleasure ta meet ya sheila. Oi'm Sniper."
"Bonjour madmoiselle. I 'ad no idea our contact would be such a beauty." Spy took her hand and kissed it.
"Oh, um... thank you..." She looked uncomfortable: guess the Spook's charms don't work on her.

"Anyway," I continued, "We're 'ere 'bout a job you applied for a couple o' months ago."
"Oh! You must be the mercs from Teufort then."
"Indeed. We are 'ere to interview 'ou for ze position."
"Well, what do you need to know?" She motioned for us to follow her, and we were led to a small room. We sat down and Spook asked her some normal question: full name, date o' birth, etc. I just sat there, watching her.

I don't want to sound creepy, but I couldn't take my eyes off her. She had (h/l) (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and was just all around... lovely.

"Wot?" Spy sighed.
"Pardon 'is rudeness madmoiselle. I 'ave just one more question for 'ou."
"And that is?"
"When can 'ou start?"
"Whenever you need me to."
"We'll be in contact soon then."

With that, me and the Spook got up, shook her hand, and headed towards the door. Truth be told, I was a little sad to leave.

"(f/n)!" We heard an older gentleman yell.
"Yeah boss?" A short, fat, bald man came out of the back.
"We've gotten complaints from some tourists of a bad smell coming from Demon's Rock. Could you check it out?"
"Sure. I'll head out there now." Just then, Spook got a phone call.

"Ah, it's Ms. Pauling. Oui?" He spoke into the phone. After a few minutes, (y/n) came out.
"Hey, um...Sniper?"
"Yeah sheila?"
"You seem like the outdoorsy type, and looks like your friend will be on the phone for a bit. You wanna come with me to Demon's Rock?" I smiled.
"Sure thing sheila. Oi'm always up for a bit a climbing."
"Sweet. Let's go."

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