Chapter 11: Conflicts of BLU

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Your POV
Gunshots whizzed past my head as I ran. I hid behind a crate and drew my bow. I peeked my head out, seeing the BLU Heavy, all alone. I took aim, and released.

"Headshot." I whisper-yelled to myself. Scout ran past me, Intel on his back and his usual confident smirk on his face. Soon after,

I sighed a breath of relief, running a hand through my hair. I was about to head back to base, and celebrate with the guys, when-


"AH!" I screeched. I looked down. An arrow had landed next to my foot. Attached to it was a note and a small blue rose. I looked around before picking it up, and, seeing no one around, opened it.

'Hello Sheila. You're quite a beaut, you know that? How about you meet me by the bridge tonight? See where we go from there. See you tonight love.   -BLU Sniper'

My mind went blank. D-does the BLU Sniper have a crush on me? I'm pulled out of my thoughts by an arm around my waist, and a kiss to my temple.

"Ello love." I quickly put the rose and the note in my pocket.

"Hey." I say, smiling. Should I tell him?
"Saw your headshot on that Heavy. Noice one." I giggled.
"Thanks! I've been practicing."
"Oi can tell. You busy tonight?"
"Yup." I said, a sly smile on my face. He looked disappointed.
"Oh..." I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his neck, pecking him on the lips.
"I'll be spending it with my boyfriend."

He looked at me wide-eyed for a moment, before closing his eyes and chuckling. He placed his hands on my waist.
"You little minx, come here!" He picked me up and I squealed, then setting me down to kiss me. We separated and I looked at him happily for a moment, before remembering the note. Should I tell him? I guess he saw the contemplation on my face, because he asked me, concern on his face.

"You awroight love? Somethin' wrong?"

I bit my lip, thinking for a second before caving in.

"Not really," I said, pulling out the paper and rose. He looked at it, shocked and confused.
"What's that?" I sighed, handing it to him.
"I think the BLU Sniper might have a thing for me..." I said quietly as he read the note. His face was sad, angry, and jealous all at once. He clutched the paper, knuckles turning white. He was clearly trying very hard not to blow his top off.

"You're not going, are you?" He said through gritted teeth. I stared at him.
"Of course not!" He sighed a breath of relief.
"Good, Oi don't want ta lose you. 'Specially not ta that BLU wanker." I smiled at him, putting my hand on his stubbly cheek.
"Well," I said, leaning in, "You won't."

BLU Sniper's POV
I watched through my scope as the RED Sheila picked up the note. After she read it, her eyes went wide, and she looked around. I chuckled at her cute, confused expression. Can't wait to have that Sheila for myself, I thought. I was about to pack up, when I saw something that made my blood boil. Wot the bloody hell does he think he's doin'?!  He had his arm around her and everything. The she giggled and he picked her up, spinning her around before..... Kissing her. Then she gave him my note. He looked pissed and I smirked. She put her hand on his cheek and I seethed, but kept watching. She kissed him and walked away. He turned towards my base. His eyes settled briefly on my window, before he took a paper from his vest pocket, writing something on it. He tied the note to an arrow, and shot it towards me. It landed right next to me, but I didn't flinch.

'If you lay a finger on my girl, I'll rip your arms off and feed 'em to coyotes.'

"Game on wanka."

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