Chapter 13: No Mercy...

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A/N- Sorry for the wait guys! Honestly, I don't know if I like how this chapter turned out, but here ya go. Tell me what you guys think in the comments!

Sniper's POV
"What do ya mes she 'asn't come down yet?"
"Exactly what it sounds like mon ami, she's not come down yet."

It's an hour past the time (y/n) usually wakes up, and she wasn't down for breakfast.

"Oi'm gonna go check on her," I said, starting towards her room. Something's not right, I thought. She's always up by six. Everyday.

I reached her door and knocked.
"(Y/n)? Sheila, you up?"
.... Nothing... I knocked again, a bit harder this time, and the door creaked open I walked in and looked around. She wasn't here.


"What do you mean she's gone?"
"What the bloody 'ell do you think Oi mean, SHE'S GONE!" I yelled at Spy.
"Calm down Snipes," said Scout, "She's probably just gone to town or somethin'." I glared at him.
"Oh yeah? Then why the hell did I find this-" I slapped down the syringe, "On the floor?!" Medic picked it up.

"Zis syringe... It's of ze BLU Medic's design...

"Oi'm going to get her." I started to walk out, but Spy grabbed my shoulder. He said nothing, just looked at me. His eyes said something I already knew.

Show no mercy.

Your POV
Sunlight streamed straight onto my eyes, so I kept them closed. I sat up in bed, stretching my arms and upper body, but my hand wouldn't move. I turned my head to look and my heart beat faster. I was not in my room.

I was handcuffed to the metal bedframe. The room smelled of cigarettes, and an ashtray was on the nightstand. A bow sat in the corner with its quiver, blue feathers at the end of them. From where I was sitting I could see into the small bathroom. The mirror was relatively clean, some grime around the edges where it was glued to the cabinet. Two pictures were taped to the mirror: one of me, which was spotless; and one of my my Sniper, a large 'X' over his face.

The door creaked open. I snapped my head to the noise, heart beating in my throat.

The BLU Sniper opened the door to his room with his back, carrying something in his hands. He turned around, closing the door with his door, a tray of food in hands. He looked up and, upon seeing me awake, smiled.

"Good mornin' sunshoine," he said, walking towards me. He set the tray down on the nightstand, reaching a hand towards me. I recoiled, and he frowned at me, as someone would a misbehaving child. "C'mon now luv, don't be loike that. Look," he picked up the tray, "I brought ya some breakfast." I looked at the tray and my stomach turned. The food looked delicious, but what disgusted me was the fact that is my favorite breakfast food/s. The thought of how he knew repulsed me. He tried to feed me a bit of it, but the moment his hand came near me, I slapped it away. He frowned again.

"C'mon luv, you're tryin' moi patience." He tried again, and I again slapped his hand away. But he was prepared. He grabbed my wrist and pinned me to the bed, towering over me. He growled.

"You. REALLY. Don't want ta make me off dark. Oi'm not exactly friendly when Oi'm pissed luv."  His eyes drifted down to my chest. I finally spoke.

"Hey asshole, my eyes are up here," I spat. He looked me in the eyes and chuckled.

"M'sorry. Can't help moiself." He lowered his face next to mine, and breathed in my scent. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. He purred in my ear. "Mmm... You smell fantastic love." He moved to look me in the eyes, using his hand to stroke my face.

"Shh... s'alright. You're with me now. That RED bastard can't have you now."

I spat in his face. He jumped up and wiped it off, glaring at me.

"That RED bastard is my teammate. My friend. My boyfriend!"
He scoffed.

"Please," he said, walking towards me again. He pinned me down and crawled on top of me, straddling my hips. I felt something hard against my crotch, and my stomach turned: he was aroused. He leaned his face next to mine, and growled huskily in my ear, "Idiot loike that don't know what to do with a woman." He licked the shell of my ear. "Bet he 'asn't even fucked you proper yet."

He grabbed my face by my jaw and roughly kissed me, shoving his tongue into my mouth. I've got to get out of here, I thought. I'll let him have his way for a bit while I get the handcuff off. I kissed him back and felt him smirk.

I worked to get the cuff off and heard a faint 'click' when it did. He started to move his hand to my chest when I grabbed his face.  He looked surprised, and I smiled before head butting him, and kneeing him in the crotch for good measure. He toppled over onto the floor holding his crotch. I grabbed his bow, and ran it of the door.

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