Chapter 5: To Teufort

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Sniper's POV

"Poor things. No one to take care of ya, huh?" I knelt down and patted one of the cubs on the head.
"Wrong," said (y/n) said. I looked at her.
"I'll take them back to the office. We'll look after them until we can find foster parents." She picked up one of the cubs, wrapping it in her jacket. I picked up the other one, and we left the cave.

After getting back down the rock and riding to the office, we stabled the horses. As we walked in, I saw the Spook surrounded by women. Bloody frog: Wot's so attractive about some cocky french bloke?

"Ah. Pardon-moi madmoiselles." He kissed the hand of some red-head, and walked towards us. "Bushman! I need to speak with you." I handed (y/n) the other cub. Since they were newborns, she was able to carry both with ease.

"Wot is it Spook?"
"I had a chat with Miss Pauling: the other interviews went 'orribly and she wants (y/n) to come back with us." "Awroight, whoi ya tellin me this?"
"You zeem to 'ave a way with 'er. I thought you could tell her."
"Awright." Have a way with her? Me an' the sheila get along if that's wot he means.

"Well, now that's taken care of." I turn around and look down at the sheila, since she's quite a bit shorter than me. "Good news sheila. You got the job! You'll be comin' back to Teufort with us."
"Really?! Great, um.... can I get some stuff from my apartment first?"
"Cool, here's my address."

After she got her stuff, we headed to Teufort.

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