Chapter 9: The Bet

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Sniper's POV

"Bloody Spook..." I muttered under my breath. I was sewin a patch on my shirt; the BLU Spy snuck his way into my nest last round, stabbin me in the shoulder. "Ow!" I dropped the needle and my shirt, stickin my finger in my mouth to stop the bleeding. Then I heard a giggle from my right, followed by my akubra being pluck off of my head. (Y/n) sat down next to me, my hat know perched on her head.

"It's not funny," I mumbled over my finger, "Tha' hurt." She just giggled more, grabbin my shirt and the needle, starting to sew on the patch.
"More than getting stabbed or shot?"
"No, but it still hurt." She just chuckled, focusing on fixing my shirt.

I know better than ta disturb her while she's sweing, unless I want a needle stuck in moi hand. So I just watched her: the way her (e/c) eyes focused intently on the work, the way her (h/l) (h/c) hair framed her soft-featured face perfectly. God Oi'm in love.

"Done," she said, handing me moi shirt, good as new.
"No problem. You okay?"
"Yeah, whoi?"
"I don't know, you seem... contemplative. Something on your mind?" You.
"Nah, jus been a long day is all."

Just then, a knock came on the door. "Bushman? Are you in there?"
"S open Spook."
"Ah, (y/n)! You are 'ere as well. Bien, makes my mission a bit simpler."
"What do ya want Spoi?"
"I came to invite you both to poker. We are playing teams." I looked at (y/n).
"Oi'm in if you are." She thought for a moment, then,
"What the hell. Why not?"

Walking into the rec-room, I see who else is playing: Medic, Heavy, and Pyro. "We 'ave already chosen teams, so you and (y/n) will be together bushman." My face turned a bit pink.
"Awright..." We sat down, Spook dealed the cards, and we place our initial bets.
"Before we begin, I would like to make a private bet, with monsier Sniper."
"Oui," he leaned in to whisper to me, "If you lose, you must tell (y/n) how you feel." I went rigid.
"No bloody way!"
"Tsk, I'm disappointed bushman, I was under the impression that you never backed down from a challenge." It was true: I've never backed down from a challenge from Spy.
"....Foine.... But if you lose, you have to..." I thought for a moment: what would embarrass the ponce? Then (y/n) chimed in.
"You have to wear a sexy maid outfit for an entire day- INCLUDING the fight." We all started laughing, except for Spy of course.

~Time skip to end of game~

I looked around the table, trying to read their faces. Laying down my hand, I smiled. It wasn't a sure-fire win, but it was a damn good hand. Medic and Heavy sighed, setting down their hands. Then I looked at Spy, his face showing no emotion, until he looks at me. Then he smirked, showing his hand. "You lose Bushman." I feel the color drain from my face.

"Well damn," (y/n) said, completely unaware of what this meant for me. "Oh well. What was the bet anyway?" I look at her, color coming back to my face in dark red. Oi can't do this! Not here! Not now! I cleared my throat.
"Spook, can Oi talk to ya for a second?"
"But of course." We walk into the hallway.

"Spook, Oi can't do this!"
"We made a deal Bushman."
"But whoi? Whoi did you have ta make this the bet?!"
"Because if I didn't, you would never tell her! I've seen the way you look at her: you're in love, and if you don't do something about it soon, she'll slip away."
"But Oi can't-"
"Yes you can!" He sighed. "I'll give you until the end of the week. If you do not tell her by then, I will." With that, he walked off.
Edit note: I changed some wording in regards to the bet because some one pointed out that it could be seen as racist. That was never my intention, and I sincerely apologize if it came off that way.


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