Chapter 15: Revelations

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Sniper's POV

My heart beat was the first thing I heard. A burning in my shoulders, the first thing I felt. My eyes shot open, having remembered what happened, but I was met only with darkness: I was blindfolded. I struggled, tried to move, but my arms hung uselessly above me, chained to the ceiling. As I woke fully, my ears cleared, and I heard a voice.

The BLU Sniper.

Your POV

"Wake up love..."


My head swam as I woke up. My eyes fluttered open, a hazy image of someone coming into view.

"S-Sniper?" The figure smiled.

"Yeah. 'S me."

I tried to move forward, but I was... tied to the chair?

The figure shook in a small chuckle.

"Although, I'm probably not the Sniper you're hopin' for."

What is he talking abou-!!! 

My eyes shot open, the blue-clad bastard standing in front of me. He smirked and reached a hand out to stroke my face. I flinched, trying to move away, but I couldn't. He chuckled again.

"Didn't think I'd let ya go that easy, did ya love? Nah. You'll come around, and when ya do, I want you right here."

He leaned forward with my chin in his hand, and kissed my forehead. As he moved out of my direct line of vision, I saw Sniper- my Sniper- chained to the ceiling, shirtless, bootless, and barely moving.

"S-Sniper! Wake up!" I looked to BLU. "What did you do to him?!"

He chuckled. He shifted a bit, revealing a small tray table with tools on it. He waved his hand over the instruments as he spoke.

"Oh, it's not what I have done love," he picked something up, and turned back to me, "but what I will do." As he turned fully, I saw the brass knuckles adorning his fist.

He walked towards Sniper, still blindfolded and unmoving. BLU removed his blindfold, and lightly slapped his face, saying 'wakey wakey!' in a sing-song voice. Sniper barely moved. BLU looked back at me and smirked, balling his hand into a fist.

"I said wake UP!" He hit Sniper full force, his eyes opening in shock. He coughed a bit, before spitting out some blood onto the floor.

BLU smiled almost gleefully. He spread his arms wide.

"Nice of you to finally join tha party mate!"

Sniper looked around, before his eyes met mine.

"(Y/n)! Are you-"

"Ah ah ah!" chided BLU. He grabbed Sniper's face. "No one said you could talk." He punched Sniper's head the other way. I tried to move, but my hands were tied firmly to the chair, preventing me from moving. BLU punched him a couple more times before letting go of his face and stepping back. He wiped his nose with the side of his hand, sniffing as he did.

"Well," he said, "Now that everyone's awake, Oi think it's toime we had a little chat. "I'm gonna say this once ya red mongrel. Out of the two of us, you've always gotten everything you wanted. Well not anymore."

Sniper lifted his head as much as he could, which was only slightly off of his chest. His upper lip was split and his right eye swollen, already starting to bruise. He spat out a bit of blood , aiming it at the boot of our assailant. He chuckled.

"'S hardly moi fault you were the rotten one of two of us. Tell me Mitch, 'ow the hell you'd get outta prison?"

BLU chuckled. "You should know Michael, after all 's the same way you gotta outta yer crappy contracts."

Sniper sighed. "Paulin' convince you too then, eh?"
"'S it really that surprising?" BLU crouched to meet Sniper's eyes. "After all, there's nothin' more aloike in this world than twin brothers."

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