Chapter 12: An Occurence

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Sniper's POV
  Rain fell softly on the roof of the base. Clouds covered the sky and thunder boomed softly somewhere in the distance. Normally I'd be admiring the weather, but not even a tornado could distract me from the woman on my chest.

I looked down at her for what seemed like the millionth time today. She dozed off about an hour ago, tired from the days work. Her (e/c) eyes were closed and she was snoring softly. I had one hand behind my head as a pillow, the other on the small of her back, rubbing softly. A small smile was on her face. I smiled and kissed her forehead. I love her so much. Never in my life did I think I'd fall in love, let alone with someone so wonderful. She was everything I could ever want, and apparently, I wasn't the only one head-over-heels.

That BLU bastard. If he ever comes near my girl, I'll kill him. Make sure he doesn't respawn either.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by someone knocking on the door

"Shhh! Come in, but keep it down," I whisper-yelled. The door slowly opens, Engineer's head popping through.
"Sorry Slim. Jus' thought I'd let you know, dinner's ready."
"Thanks, we'll be down in a bit." He nodded and quietly shut the door. My eyes trained back on (y/n). Shame to wake her up, I thought, She's so cute when she sleeps. I sighed, nudging her a bit, and kissing her forehead again.
"C'mon luv. Dinner toime." I whispered to her. She groaned a bit, waking up. She looked up at me.

"Hey," She said.
"Hey. Dinner's ready." She sighed and buried her head in my chest.
"I don't want to move." I chuckled.
"I know, neither do I. But we do have to eat."
"Mmm. Okay." She started to get up, and I leaned up on my elbows to steal a kiss. She giggled and framed my face with her hands, resting her forehead on mine and straddling my hips. I wrapped my arms around her waist. I looked into her beautifully (e/c) eyes, and whispered.

"I love you."
She smiled. "I love you too." She placed her lips on mine kissing me gently. I cupped her cheek with my hand, tugging gently on her bottom lip. She giggled and opened her mouth, allowing me to explore. After a while, air forced us apart. She smiled down at me and pecked my lips before getting off.

~Time skip~

Dinner was sloppy joes -Engie's specialty- and of course Spy refused to eat it. I walked (y/n) to her room, holding her hand. When we got to her door, she let go of my hand and turned around.

"Thanks for walking me to my room."
"No problem. Goodnoight luv."
"Night." She leaned up and kissed me before going into her room. I turned around, putting my hands in my pockets, and headed back to my camper.

Your POV
After saying good night to Sniper, I quickly changed into my pajamas and hopped into bed. Falling asleep, I thought about how lucky I am. I love him so much. I fell asleep thinking of my amazing beautiful.

  I waited until she was fully asleep before climbing in through the window. I would be worried about waking her up, if I hadn't been watching her for the past week: she's a VERY deep sleeper. I walked over to her bedside, staring down at her. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, I thought.

I pulled the syringe out of my pocket and uncapped it.

Which is why he can't have her. I pricked her with the needle as gently as I could, injecting her with the sedative. Once it was all gone, I put the empty needle in my pocket, and picked her up bridal-style. I climbed out of the window, making sure not to hit her head. When we got out, I started walking back. She stirred a bit, burrowing into my chest.

"Don't worry luv, you're safe now. And you're all moine."

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