Chapter 22

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It was around 2 and I had to go pick up Pony from school. I got into my car and headed for the school. When I arrived Pony was with his friends. "Who's the hot chick in the nice car?" I heard one say. "That's Soda's girl." Pony said. "Oh well she is very pretty." The same kid said. "Bye guys." Pony said getting into my car.

"Those boys your friends?" I asked, driving off. "Ha, yeah. They can be idiots sometimes." He said. I laughed focusing on the road. When we arrived to the house he wanted me to help him with his homework.

So while I started cooking dinner, he would ask me questions and I would help him. It was about 4:00 when Darry walked through the door. He looked so tired.

"Hey Darry come rest." I said pointing to the couch. Pony had finished his homework, and we had about five more minutes on the dinner.

It was about five when Soda walked through the door. I was setting the table when he came behind me and hugged me. "Hey." he said kissing my neck. I turn around to look at him. "Hey." I say kissing his cheek.

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