Chapter 11

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I set the table then the gang walks in. "Rachel! Your okay!" They all say in unison. Man, I guess they all care about me. Even Dally. I love the gang and they love me! I love Soda the most obviously.

They had all hugged me making sure I was okay, and I was! I'm not lying. I was great! Always being with Soda, or in his arms. Him always protecting me. Man, life was good! Actually life was great!

We all ate eggs. It was really good and as always chocolate cake for dessert! After we all ate we all sat in the living room and watched movies. One of the movies was a horror movie. Steve picked it out.

Me and Soda were snuggling on the couch. Darry was in his arm chair and the rest of the gang were on the floor. Of course the guys had to turn all the lights off and make it as dark as possible. Movie was called "A Nightmare on Elm Street." I hate this show!

"Do we really have to watch this?" I whined. "Quit your whining! We are watching this!" Steve said back to me. "Fine!" I said back as I nuzzled my head in Soda's chest as Freddy Krueger popped up in the screen with his blade claws. I made the squealing noise that only I and Soda could hear.

"It's okay baby. I got you." He whispers and then kisses the top of my head. I loosened my grip on his shirt. Soda could tell I was scared so he rubbed my arm to comfort me. I sat up and adjusted my seating position. I looked at soda and could only see his face from the light of the TV. He looked back at me.

We exchanged smiles. When I was about to lay back down he pressed his soft lips to mine. I kissed back. He finally pulled away. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." I whispered back as he pulled me close to him. I lied back on his chest. When the movie was over everyone went home.

Soda offered me to stay the night. I did. He also offered to lay on the couch with me. I obviously didn't say no. He laid on the couch while I laid next to him with my head in his chest.

I drifted to sleep hearing his heartbeat slowly and him breathing softly.

"Rachel get up its your birthday!" I heard my mom yell. I got up and ran to the kitchen. "Happy birthday sleepy head." My dad said. "Good morning." I said as I yawned.

That day went by quick. The next day was already here. I got up and we left to go get my Camaro. We got all the paperwork done and we headed home.

All of the sudden I see my parents swerve in front of me. I hit the brakes luckily there was no one behind me. Boom they were in a head on crash.

I shoot up from the couch screaming. "No! Mom, dad, Jackson, Landon! No! Stay with me!" I say crying. Soda immediately sat up and asked what's wrong.

"It was a bad dream." I said calming down. Soda laid me back on the couch and pulled me close to him.

"It's okay baby." He said to me slowly. "I know." I said slowing my breathing. "Babe?"


"I will always be here for you. You know that right?"

 "Yeah. Thanks Soda. I will always be here for you too! I love you!" I say back to him. "I love you too Rachel!"

I finally drifted back to sleep in sodas arms. I woke up to Soda shaking me. "Rachel get up honey." "Hmmm?" I moan. "C'mon Rachel. You gotta get up." 

"But why?" I ask sleepily with my eyes still closed. "Because I have a surprise for you."

 "Fine." I said giving in.

I got up and got dressed. When I came back I asked what the surprise was. Turns out he surprise was a kiss. He pulled away and I just went back to kissing him.

I think he just used the surprise trick to get me up.

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