Chapter 9

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He wraps me up in a blanket as he turns on Mickey. I lay on the couch coughing, and watching Mickey while Soda makes me soup. He burnt it. How do you burn soup? I have no idea. So he ordered it. When it came I was almost asleep. I was exhausted. I don't even know why, maybe it was because I was sick. Hannah had been gone all day with Two-bit.

Soda brought my soup over. I heard his footsteps, so I opened my eyes and sat up. He ordered Clam chowder. My favorite! He knew me so well!

"Here you go baby!" He says smiling. "Thanks!" I say back in a raspy voice. I finished my soup and lay back down. Soda comes over and puts my legs on his lap.

I still lay there coughing. He starts rubbing my legs and I calm down. I love it when he rubs some part of my body. Like my legs, arms or back, it always comforts me.

I lay there and start drifting to sleep. I woke up at 5:00 pm. Soda wasn't on the couch. I sit up to find him dancing to some music and cooking dinner. He actually can cook. I guess he can't cook soup.



"Can I have some water?" 

"Yeah." He says bringing the water over to me. After dinner I fell asleep in his lap.

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