Chapter 10

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The next day I wake up in my bed. I felt a lot better. I walked into the kitchen.

I saw a note on the counter. It read "Rachel, I'm glad I could spend the whole day with you, even though you were sick. I love you! Sodapop Curtis"

I read the note over and over again. I smiled every time I read "I'm glad I could spend the whole day with you, even though you were sick."

I quickly get dressed and go to the Curtis house. Soda was sitting on the couch only in his jeans. Pony was sitting at the table doing his homework. Darry was making breakfast.

As I walk in Soda jumps off the couch once he noticed it was me. "Hey are you feeling okay?"

 "Yeah I feel great! I feel a lot better than yesterday."

 "Good!" He says as he pulls me into a bear hug. I obviously hug back. Then I give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Rachel!" Pony says giving me a hug. "Hey Pony!" I say returning the hug.

I walk up to Darry. "Hey Dar!" I say giving him a pat on the back. "Hey Rach!"

 "Do you need any help?" 

"Umm, yeah do you want to set the table?"

 "Sure!" I say grabbing the plates from Darry.

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