Chapter 1

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The dream was a flashback. A flashback of the worst day of my life. About six months ago my parents took me for my birthday to get a car. My favorite car. I turned sixteen. We went to the car dealer. The car I got was a 1967 Chevy Camaro. It was white with black racing stripes. It was also a convertible. I love convertibles. The Camaro was brand new, of that year. 

When we got all the paperwork done we were on our way home. On our way, the worst thing happened. A drunk driver was driving on the other side of the road. My family was in the car in front of me. My two brothers and parents. The drunk driver swerved into mine and my parents lane. My family and the drunk driver went into a head on crash. Sadly, the drunk driver survived and my family did not.

 Now I live with my best friend Hannah. Her parents died a couple of years ago. She is eighteen, two years older than me. She also likes cars. She has a white convertible Chevy Corvette Stingray. I lay there thinking. 

Finally I go back to sleep. I wake up early. To get me to calm down, I go on a run. When I am running back to the house, a red firebird pulls up, then slowly drives along with me. I glance at it and notice it is Marco and his racing crew. They stop to the point were they are blocking my path. I thought to myself that if I move then  they would move. I decided to jump on the hood of their car run over it and then jump of the other end. I sprinted home, I ran inside and locked the door. I was breathing heavily. 

"What's wrong?" Hannah asked. "It's Marco, and his crew." She walks over. "It's okay calm down." "Your right, I don't have to be with him. I don't want to be with him." "The you don't have to." Hannah said. "Here come eat breakfast." "Okay." I say as I go eat breakfast. After I eat breakfast I go take a shower and get ready. After that we decided to go get gas, change out oil, get a coke/Pepsi, and just hang like the good old days when I didn't have to care for everything. When I didn't have to worry about everything. I used to love the days when my boyfriend actually loved me. It was nice to be back to the old me.

 We went to the gas station. It was called the "DX." We pulled up and blasted the music. I loved it when I could get loose and dance.

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