Chapter 24

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I had saved up all my money from the dingo for the present I was going to get Soda. Soda had always talked about how he wanted this certain present, even though it was $3,000 it was what he wanted, so I decided to buy it and give it to him for our anniversary. I had to go pick up somebody first, to help me with it.

I pulled up to Bucks place and walked in. "Hey Buck, do you know where Dally is?" I asked. "Uh yeah he is in his room upstairs." He said. "Ok Thanks" I said as I walked up the stairs. I got to his room and knocked on the door. "Who is it and what do you want?" He asked, he sounded like he had just woken up. "Dally, it's Rachel are you ready to go?" He then comes to the door and opens it, revealing his bare chest. "Remember, to get Soda's present?" I say as I look in his eyes trying to avoid looking at hi abs.

"Oh yeah, give me a second." He comes back with a shirt and a jacket on. Then we go out and jump in my car and leave. The only reason why I had Dally come was because this present was really big, I would have had Darry come but he had work so I asked Dally.

When we got home I hid Soda's present which was really hard to do, but I managed to do it. I walked into the house, and all the guys were there but Soda. "Do you know where Soda is?" I ask. "Yeah he took a shift at the DX" Steve said. "Oh, okay." I say as I walk back into the room we shared. I laid in the bed. Then I started to drift to sleep. When I woke up it was 4:30. I walked out into the living room where the gang was, and still no Soda.

"Rachel's alive!" Two-Bit cheered as I emerged into the living room. "Hey Rach, Soda wants you to meet him at the DX. So you can go on your date." "Oh okay." I say walking back into the bathroom the freshen up. When I got tithe DX I saw a note on the counter. It read 'drive to the top of the hill, where you'll find a barn. I'll see you there. -Sodapop' I went up to the payphone to ring Dally and tell him to bring Sodas present up to the barn. Then I headed up to the barn.

When I got there there were lights hanging from it and the door was all lit up. I walked in to see Soda down on one knee in a heart made out of rose petals. Tears started filling in my eyes as I walked over to him. "Rachel-" he began. "I don't know why I would have done if I didn't meet you. I honestly don't know what I would do without you. You're the key to my ignition, making me start and be full of life and happiness. You make me so happy Rachel. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I want to start a family with you. So Rachel, will you marry me?" I had tears running down my face and my hand covered my huge smile.

"Yes of course Soda,yes I'll marry you!" I said as his shaking hand slid the ring on my finger. He smiled his gorgeous smile and I practically jumped on him as I hugged him. Then leaned in for a long passionate kiss. "I love you." He said against my lips. I smiled into the kiss causing him to smile and the kiss to break apart. "I love you too Soda." I said to him looking into his beautiful eyes.

"I have something for you." I said taking his hand and leading him towards the doors, and there it was. Soda's present. A 1964 Porsche 911. He had wanted one for so long and I had wanted to make him happy, plus I had always wanted one too, and I've always wanted to drove one so I guess it was kind of for both of us.

"Rachel you didn't

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"Rachel you didn't." He said wide eyed. "Oh but I did." I said smiling. "Go ahead. Check it out." I said giving him a slight push towards it. He happily got into it and started it. He got out and grabbed the sides of my face and kissed me. "I love you so much! Thank you!" I smiled nodding. "I love you too." I said as I started to walk towards my car. "See you at home?" I asked opening the door. "See ya at home." He said smiling.

When we got home we celebrated with the gang and had some chocolate cake and then they all went home. I had just finished getting ready for bed, just brushing out my hair. Soda was already in bed and laying on his back. I walked into our bedroom and closed the door. I sat on his lap straddling him. "Today" I paused leaning down and kissing his bare chest. "Today was a great day. Thank you." I said as I peppered his chest with more kisses. Ending the night with a long passionate kiss on the lips and him wrapping me up into his arms. "Goodnight Soda." I said as I kissed him one last time. "Goodnight future wifey."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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